Biden Falsely Claims 9mm Bullet Will Blow ‘Lung Out of the Body’ – IOTW Report

Biden Falsely Claims 9mm Bullet Will Blow ‘Lung Out of the Body’


CLAIM: On Memorial Day 2022 President Biden claimed a 9mm bullet will “blow the lung out of the body.”


The 9mm round is widely popular for concealed carry because it has effective stopping/penetrating power without significant recoil. The round’s stopping power is also attractive for law enforcement, but that power does not translate into blowing organs out of the body.

Breitbart News spoke to a Navy SEAL (ret.), who is a ballistics expert, and his response to Biden’s statement was, “No way.”

We spoke to a federal agent with 15 years experience in the field, and his response was “bullsh*t.”

We spoke to another individual who has been a federal agent for nearly 20 years and was a local police officer for years before that, and he responded to Biden’s statement by saying, “Not possible.”

We also spoke to a member of a U.S. Marshal fugitive recovery taskforce who has been on the job for 21 years. When we told him what Biden said he laughed out loud and said, “That’s not even in the realm of possibility.” more

20 Comments on Biden Falsely Claims 9mm Bullet Will Blow ‘Lung Out of the Body’

  1. “No, Pedo Joe, you see, a “blown” lung means a penetrating chest wound caused an air leakage from the lung into the chest cavity which can be colloquially referred to as “a blown lung”, you know, like the ventilators misused in COVID patients “blow out their lung” causing a tension pneumothorax because it’s a CLOSED chest wound, it doesn’t mean the lung was LITERALLY “blown out of the bod…hey, are you even LISTENING to me? What do you mean, “Do I have any little girls you can sniff”? What is WRONG with you, you demented…he’s wandered off, and the Secret Service guys are glowering at me, so I guess we’re done here…”

  2. Some staffer looked at some FBI stats and discovered that 9 mil is prevalent in murders and gun crimes. The light went on. “If we just eliminate the 9 mil we’ll drop our self inflicted crime wave down to zero”
    So I predicted he’s going after the ammo. And sure enough I’m reading articles on that is his intention. Which will have ZERO impact. The inner city hoodlums will go steal a gun of a different caliber, 9 mil will go big on the black market, and guys like me that are sitting on 5k rounds will just start carrying a different cal. Stooooopid.

  3. I’m a part-time meat target for Paul Harrell on the weekends… the worst are those nasty little .22, they stick right in the lungs so I have to go to the doctor and and get them removed about once a month.

  4. Outdoorjohn

    One of the worst rounds to get shot with in the chest cavity is actually a .22. The reason being it will ricochet off one rib to another and cause a ton of damage to soft tissue.

  5. Brad JUNE 1, 2022 AT 12:59 PM

    One of the worst rounds to get shot with in the chest cavity is actually a .22. The reason being it will ricochet off one rib to another and cause a ton of damage to soft tissue.”

    …you don’t want one to the gut either, as it can bounce around in the pelvic cavity and make a LOT of work for the surgeon to run your bowels through his hands while squeezing here and there to see where the holes are that are going to fill your abdominal cavity with poop and blood, so he can figure out how much he has to resect and in how many places, and enjoy the way it feels while healing because of all the mesentary tissue he had to cut to do this…

    …also, there’s the inferior vena cava and inferior aorta in there. One good bounce, it’s byebye time, no matter HOW quick anyone gets to you…

  6. SNS

    Bottom line, leave it to our elected officials to have their heads buried up their ass so far they need to un zip their zippers to see where their going. Do these people actually ever get anything right?

  7. Brad JUNE 1, 2022 AT 1:29 PM

    “Do these people actually ever get anything right?”

    …well, they’re pretty good at stealing massive amounts of money from us without recourse, making themselves into multimillionares on a six figure salary, taking freedoms from us and even murdering us without any apparent fear we’ll fight back, and placing themselves above all the laws they torment us with, so there’s that…

  8. JOE BIDEN, FEBRUARY 2013: “If you want to keep someone away from your house, just fire the shotgun through the door.” The corrupt human rights violator and dull swindler also gave similar advice to his dowdy wife Jill. Funny that FJB has never mentioned anything regarding gun smuggling and illegal gun violence by street gangs and other vermin who buy and sell illegal firearms for the purposes of killing.

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