Biden Family: Shell Companies, and Sources of Funds Unknown  – IOTW Report

Biden Family: Shell Companies, and Sources of Funds Unknown 

[You may as well just skip to the bottom and read those articles.]

GP: Rep. Nancy Mace went on America’s Newsroom on FOX News on Friday morning with Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino.

During her segment Rep. Mace revealed that there are SEVERAL MORE Biden family members involved in their criminal grifting. Rep. Mace also said there are more shell companies to explore and more questions about what the Biden family members were being paid for.

It appears Joe Biden and his family were selling out the American people for decades.

Rep. Nancy Mace: This whistleblower is putting everything on the line to provide the American people with this information. It should be investigated to the fullest extent of the law. When the left says that no one is above the law, the American people deserve the right to have them put their money where their mouth is, whether it’s a current or former president or their family. This should be investigated, and we need more information.

We only looked at the SARS reports (suspicious activity reports) for two Biden family members. Well, there are several more Biden family members that you were at the treasury you look at, too. And then we found more Biden family members involved, more shell companies, the sources of the funds being unknown, where they’re going unknown, and why they were paid for. And the numbers are astronomical. I mean, it’s crazy. And yet I’m very much a centrist. I’m right of center, left of center, depending on the issue. And I’ve seen this with my own eyes. It’s not a conspiracy theory.



The information about shell companies and other suspicious business was reported back in 2021. No medium to mega media, both on the left and the right, wanted to touch it.

10 Comments on Biden Family: Shell Companies, and Sources of Funds Unknown 

  1. And I’m not a Glenn Beck fan, but that 5 minute video that was posted earlier here hits a home run! We are all fed up with what we all know. I’m so sick of this!

  2. The rat-bastard old fossil is supposed to be running for a 2nd term*
    A lot of videos of him lying in the Trump debate from 2020 are floating around.
    He was a totally different person then.
    I’m sure they drugged him up with B12 shots and what not, but that damn fool may just croak during his next debate if he makes it that far.

    The only way he pays any price would be a fed up individual with three first names…

  3. Joe6pak,

    If you weren’t as frustrated as the rest of us we wouldn’t think of you as a patriot.

    We’re all sick of this shit. We watch; we pay attention; we take notes and try to red-pill anyone who acts like they give a damn because we know that at some point it WILL matter.

    In the mean time, keep your head on a swivel and your powder dry.

    …..AND PRAY.

  4. I think perhaps the most important thing is the vast ocean of fence sitting, independent, middle of the roaders and more importantly emotion voting female suburban woman are finally starting to understand what we IOTWer’s have been saying for decades.

    The entire Uniparty system is nothing but a mountain of globalist elite corruption wherein the ruling class make all the rules and implement a two tier “just us” construct.

    It’s so overwhelming and evident that the global elite are absolutely corrupt scum even blind eyes are beginning to see.

    Us old cranky conspiracy bastards are being validated daily now since this administration is run by children too unsophisticated not to reveal themselves.

    Blinken and that chicken neck demon Garland are in the cross hairs of the House now and even the Alphabets are allowing their lickspittle lackeys to report these imbeciles out before real damage is done to the powers behind the throne.

    The obviously flimsy political indictments of PDJT compared to the actual crimes of the Biden syndicate was a catastrophic mistake that the deep state now knows and is seeking to correct.

    I doubt the Pedo will announce Tue, I believe behind the scenes deals are already being struck to force him and the children out.

  5. Well I could be wrong, but I just have the feeling the Alphabets are stepping aside to get rid of the Pedo.

    The Alphabets never do anything their globalist masters have not directed and even the MSM is cracking on Blinken and Garland now.

    Even a majority of Demonrats want the Pedo to stand down, and his dementia is now just to obvious.

    The Alphabets run the country for the cabal and I think the Pedo and the tweener idiot have outlived their usefulness.

    Doubt he announces Tuesday but who knows?

    My money is on Manchelle leaving Shitcongo with the nomination with Cuck McLouthsome as he running mate.

  6. I’m sure that the IRS, FBI, and whoever monitors criminal foreign transactions is right on top of this!

    Right on top of this!

    Right on top of this?

    *crickets* … *crickets*

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. I’m still waiting to find out whether Biden arranged payment(s) under the table via laundered money for all the billions of dollars in military equipment he left behind in Afghanistan.

    That is, was a deal, or discount, made by Biden to the enemy (or others) if he simply arranged to leave the equipment for an undisclosed payment under the table and have it laundered through one of his more favorite countries.

    Knowing Biden. It does not seem possible that he (and his lackeys) would pass this up and let all that equipment rot in the desert heat.


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