Biden Fears Pro-Life Mothers – IOTW Report

Biden Fears Pro-Life Mothers

Todd Starnes

If you are a pro-life mom, you may be a domestic terrorist.

That’s according to the Biden Administration.

New documents uncovered by America First Legal shows the Department of Homeland Security considers middle-aged pro-life moms to be potential domestic terror threats. More

11 Comments on Biden Fears Pro-Life Mothers

  1. Joey needs to have a healthy fear of God. Middle aged pro-life women are now considered to be domestic terrorists, bullshit and FJB! Joey, you better get with the program and repent or you’re going to spend eternal life in Hell and I don’t wish that on anyone even you.

  2. Pro-life? Pro-American? Pro-parent? Put them all in trains.
    I do apologize to the Jewish people and all who were impacted by the Holocaust. Never forget.

  3. It’s not just Biden.

    Nobody casts a legit vote for any Democrat any longer w/o understanding that in doing so they are voting to advance Satan’s agenda.

    There is no longer any doubt, they are out and proud and in everyone’s face about who they are and what they support.

  4. Pro-life is anathematic to pro-death.
    God makes life – sin and death are Satan’s contributions to existence.

    Thus, those who follow Satan hate every aspect of God’s creation – are anti-life; pro-death.

    It really is a binary Universe: Good v. Evil.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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