Biden fires architect of the Capitol amid alleged wrongdoing, calls for his resignation – IOTW Report

Biden fires architect of the Capitol amid alleged wrongdoing, calls for his resignation

JTN: President Joe Biden on Monday fired Architect of the Capitol J. Brett Blanton following allegations he misused government resources and was not present on Capitol grounds when the Jan. 6 protest occurred, a White House official said. 

“After doing our due diligence, the architect of Capitol was terminated at the president’s direction,” the White House official said, according to CNN.  Congressional Democrats and Republicans called for his resignation or termination. MORE

16 Comments on Biden fires architect of the Capitol amid alleged wrongdoing, calls for his resignation

  1. I worked for the Architect of the Capitol.
    He heads up the building, maintenance, construction, remodeling, and the staff which oversees the operations of the House, Senate, Capitol, Supreme Court, and Library of Congress.
    It was a lifetime tenure until George White, who was appointed by Nixon, and the Congress demanded a 25 year term (a “Fuck You” to Nixon). Then after White, when Alan Hantman was appointed, the term was reduced to 10 years.
    The original lifetime tenure was supposed to be so the criminals in Congress couldn’t threaten the Architect or make inordinate demands.
    The Capitol Visitors Center was half a $Billion over budget because of the demands of powerful CongressCriminals – NOT because of mishandling by Hantman.

    The Architect of the Capitol was established in 1793.

    I think the Capitol Police are under the Sergeant at Arms – if so, he couldn’t have done shit on J-6.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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