Biden Flips on DC Crime Bill – Dems Furious – IOTW Report

Biden Flips on DC Crime Bill – Dems Furious


President Biden’s flip on crime legislation for the District of Columbia has left House Democrats steaming and Republicans claiming an unexpected victory. President Biden said Thursday he’ll sign the resolution to stop the DC changes after White House guidance had led 173 Democrats to oppose the measure, the Hill reports. 

The measure would end most mandatory sentences and lower penalties for certain violent crimes, including carjackings.

“A lot of us who are allies voted no in order to support what the White House wanted,” one said. “And now we are being hung out to dry.” The No. 3 House Democrat, Rep. Pete Aguilar—who rarely publicly disagrees with Biden—called the decision disappointing.


11 Comments on Biden Flips on DC Crime Bill – Dems Furious

  1. @LocoBlancoSaltine — Yes. Before there were motor vehicles, stealing horses was a very serious crime, with hangings frequent. Carjacking isn’t really very different.

  2. Uncle AL, great point. We were a serious growing country back then.
    I remember the “teens” that killed that father during a car-jacking.
    They gave zero fucks for his life.
    It has to be the one of the most egregious offenses, since it catches people off guard and their first instinct is that their car is part of their identity & treasure. If allowed to think, they would say “take it.”
    A car is an extension of their Castle as far as I’m concerned.
    Kill off a few of these assholes and that shit stops in it’s tracks.

  3. “Let us remember that a traitor may betray himself and do good that he does not intend. It can be so, sometimes”
    -J.R.R. Tolkien, “The Return of the King”

  4. I wouldn’t be surprised if Teslas had a security feature on a key fob the driver could hit after he leaves the car and they get in.

    Zzork! Locked in and drives to the nearest police station on it’s own.

    Maybe a little knock-out gas so they don’t destroy the interior and are easily cuffed at the station.

    If they don’t have that, why not?


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