Biden Forced To Remove A Defiant Kellyanne Conway From Air Force Academy Advisory Board – IOTW Report

Biden Forced To Remove A Defiant Kellyanne Conway From Air Force Academy Advisory Board

NBC News

Former top Trump aide Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday refused President Joe Biden’s request to resign from an Air Force Academy advisory board, saying the request is “petty and political, if not personal.”

The administration had sent letters asking several Trump-appointed aides to resign from boards of advisers for military academies by 6 p.m. Wednesday or face termination, Military Times reported.

Conway posted a letter refusing to leave the Board of Visitors of the Air Force Academy, saying the removals would “politicize” the academies and discourage others from serving.

President Biden, I’m not resigning, but you should. ā€” Kellyanne Conway (@KellyannePolls) September 8, 2021


All 18 individuals appointed by President Trump were removed from the military academy boards by the Biden administration last night. Here

Sean Spicer also refused to resign from the Naval Academy Advisory Board and has vowed to join a lawsuit against the Biden Administration. Here

6 Comments on Biden Forced To Remove A Defiant Kellyanne Conway From Air Force Academy Advisory Board

  1. They’ve got 14 months to purge those that will not comply before the mid-terms. Those elections must be tightly controlled and there must be universal commitment to the results. Eliminate the dissenters from government at all levels to make room for the compliant. Those that will not comply will no longer have employment.

    One massive, hive-minded government/media/education conglomerate working as one to move us to a better tomorrow!

    The quote below if from one of my favorite articles on American Thinker.

    “Von Hayek accurately foretold the fate that would befall dissenters from the plan. They simply could not be allowed to get in the way. Opposition would soon be treated as subversion, with debate shriveling to non-existence under the glare of the state. Those who refused compliance would first be marginalized, then dehumanized, and finally (failing re-education) eliminated. Collectivism and individualism cannot long share the same bed. They are political oil and water, and neither can compromise its position without eventually succumbing to the other. The history of the twentieth century is littered with the remains of those who became “enemies of the state” for merely drawing attention to this flaw. As Von Hayek predicted, the socialist vision would not be achieved without bloodshed.”

  2. They are setting up our military institutions to be weak!! They will accept anyone now. My sister graduated from West Point in 1985. I will never forget how hard it was to get accepted especially for a female back then. She went on to fly Blackhawks. Her husband flew Apaches.

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