Biden Forgets Mitt Romney’s Name – IOTW Report

Biden Forgets Mitt Romney’s Name

This is not funny any more. This guy is in peril. He is worse off now, before the election, than the left claimed Reagan was in his last year.

hr/ hot salsa

32 Comments on Biden Forgets Mitt Romney’s Name

  1. Pedo is as pedo does. So ready for the tsunami of patriots to wash away the filth that is the uni-party cabal.

    As for Pedo, he will be dead soon, its obvious he is dying before our eyes. His skeletal appearance is the indication he has little time left before he meets his master Lucifer.

  2. You’re right. It isn’t funny anymore.

    Can the commies cheat their way into a Kamala presidency, a candidate who had to drop out of the nominating process before the first democrat primary?

  3. His belligerence is far worse than his dementia gaffes. It illustrates his elitist status, in his mind. The voters are scum that don’t need to know a damn thing about him or Biden mafia. How dare we question him!

  4. CCNV, I hear Hillary is angling for Biden’s SecDef, where she can launch that military coup they planned for Trump. But she’ll have to work fast if Pelosi gets a permanent Article 25 committee stood up. One thing’s for sure, neither of those old battle-axes are going to let Kamala pole-dance into the Presidency.

  5. Poor demented Joey
    about to retire to the veranda and rocking chair
    waving to all the neighbors passing by
    smiling and talking to himself
    while waiting to die

  6. @SNS. I get to forget that I voted for him……twice.
    First, when I lived in Massachusetts against Ted Kennedy for Senate.
    The second, well, most of us were guilty of that vote.

    There was this anti-American Kenyan running for re-election as president of the United States.

    Damn. In retrospect, how wonderful would it have been if Donald John Trump had launched against Obama?

    I know. What if, is a children’s game.

  7. PHenry
    OCTOBER 12, 2020 AT 4:43 PM

    …we actually had a prayer meeting where everyone got together and prayed for an hour specifically for a Romney victory.

    …guess we see now, why God doesn’t grant every prayer.

    …it’s because SOME of them are really, REALLY stupid…

  8. @SNS. I can’t think of two people more deserving of repudiation and rejection than Ted kennedy and barack obama. But praying for mitt Romney was a bridge too far for the creator.

  9. As bad as he looks now, Mitt Romney would have been much, much better than Osmidgen-Obiden. Anything would have been better than those last four years that gave us the Iranian nuclear scam; the rise of ISIS; more Chinese infiltration of our universities, theft of our military secrets and high technology, and the development of bases in the South China Sea; the complete collapse of democracy in Venezuela; and the misguided embrace of Castro’s Cuba; billions of dollars thrown away on the Plantation Dwellers; hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens; dozens of leftist legal cases that the Department of Justice didn’t even defend; and the deeper divisions between the races. So, I’m not embarrassed or sorry that I voted for Romney, and I still wish he had won.

  10. Marco
    OCTOBER 12, 2020 AT 5:12 PM
    “As bad as he looks now, Mitt Romney would have been much, much better than Osmidgen-Obiden. ”

    …in some ways, definitely, but a Romney presidency would very likely have made it so another Republican couldn’t be elected for at LEAST a generation, because it would be so Democrat Lite it would poison the brand, and we’d likely be in President Hillary’s re-education camps now,had it actually happened…

    …as it stands, Hopey’s second term made Trump’s first term possible, where it otherwise wouldn’t have been.

    …maybe God DOES know best…

  11. Joe has always been a dumb, rich kid. As the vid posted here last week of him “Borking” judge Robert
    Bork 33 years ago plainly showed!
    He was a bas man 40 years ago; still is!

  12. @MM—

    Belligerence and anger are common signs of middle- to late-stage dementia.

    I expect to see Biden dragged to November 3rd, because he won’t be able to make it there by himself. This is obvious, horrible, and unforgivable elder abuse.

  13. (continued) IMO, Biden is not fighting this manipulation—as many other dementia patients do—because politics has been his life, and is therefore deep-wired in his brain. I don’t believe he recognizes his own disintegration, and is therefore just carrying on as he has for nearly five decades.

  14. (continued) I have never agreed with Biden’s politics, and he certainly has had a thoroughly negative impact upon our nation. But I condemn what is being done to him in his deteriorating mental and physical state. His handlers KNOW what is going on with him, but they don’t care. <— That is evil.

  15. Yeah – imagine the Democrat Party that purports to care so much about everyone abusing the HELL out of its own Presidential candidate!

    But Obama warned him: “Joe, you don’t have to do this.”


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