Biden Furious Saudis Reneged on Secret Pre-Election Oil Output Agreement – IOTW Report

Biden Furious Saudis Reneged on Secret Pre-Election Oil Output Agreement


The extreme vitriol against the recent OPEC+ decision to cut oil output, specifically the extreme Biden anger toward Saudi Arabia, now takes on additional context as the New York Times writes about a secretly negotiated deal between the Kingdom and White House officials that was never executed. More

22 Comments on Biden Furious Saudis Reneged on Secret Pre-Election Oil Output Agreement

  1. Years ago Jackass Joe: “There is very little social redeeming value of that administration,” he said, chastising the Saudis. As usual Captain Dumb Shit burns bridges before he gets to them, then turns around and blames:
    Donald Trump
    January 6th
    Election Laws
    The Unvaccinated
    White Supremacy
    Oil Companies
    Global Warming
    and everybody else that’s “Too Damn Dumb To See Our Success!”

  2. The move led angry Biden administration officials to reassess America’s relationship with the kingdom…

    No, not Americas’s relationship, but the Biden administration’s relationship with the Saudi Arabs. Those are not at all the same thing.

  3. Verbatim from the article: “For Democratic lawmakers who attended the briefings, the apparent oil pledge from the Saudis promised relief both for American consumers being pummeled by inflation, and for Mr. Biden and his embattled party as they headed into the November elections.”

  4. What a dumbass. First he cuts our own oil industry off at the knees with no oil leases, canceling XL, canceling ANWR, thus making us dependent on foreign oil, then he gets into a pissing match with the only other (formerly) reliable source of crude. What a fucking genius.

  5. Pray that the Lord shows this nation mercy on election night. 🙏
    The Communist have taken over the Democratic Party and we must stop them from destroying our country any further.
    Ahole Joe has got to go 🤪

  6. LCD – Verbatim from the article: “For Democratic lawmakers who attended the briefings, the apparent oil pledge from the Saudis promised relief both for American consumers heading into inflation, and for Mr. Biden and his embattled party as they are being pummeled by the November elections.”
    Fixed It For Them.

  7. Maybe just a small taste of how America feels after falling for the promises made by the dems if we (not me) would elect them.

    Now we get to grovel for oil just like the other countries that shot themselves in the foot…

  8. This still applies.

    99th Squad Leader
    OCTOBER 8, 2022 AT 11:01 PM
    “Strategic Oil Reserves drained to the last drop. OPEC will insist their political interests are supported by the United States and even after compliance, oil still in short supply.
    Eventually, no more oil from OPEC -“just because”… Then, The US will beg Putin for help. The price for oil will be high and not supplied without more US sovereignty being compromised.

    Since China has Xiden by the um…balls, he will be told by the CCP he CANNOT turn back on the Keystone Pipeline. Now Xiden is between a rock and a hard place as planned by the Deep State.

    This results in blindsided Americans suffering economic collapse – no access to banks, no transportation, no healthcare/emergency service, food shortage, homelessness, no police or fire protection, no heat or air conditioning, etc. No relief. No help.

    That’s the scenario Marxists are counting on. As usually Satan counts God out of the equation. That’s always the enemy’s mistake. However, what the enemy meant for evil, God will turn to good. It’s not over.”

    In addition, the idiocy Demwit tools still supporting *Joe. will suffer the most when the effects of “Saudi shiekstorm – no oil deal for The USA” really hits the fan. They soooo deserve it. That may start soon. Year 2023 – be prepared.

  9. Just saw this on Gutfeld, funny bit but oh so true and sad. One of his regulars used to be an EMT.

    Apparently the test for a concussion or similar brain injury is:

    Where are you?
    What time is it?
    What day is it?
    Who is the President?

    Horrifically Adolph Pedo McPederast can’t answer any of these questions on any given day.

    Thank the Dear Lord Above after Nov 8 he will be irrelevant and removed. The Whore of Babble On will be a lame duck.

    It will be a miracle if we live that long.

  10. On topic MBS knows he’s dealing with a lifelong imbecile with Dementia and a staff of retarded children. Got Adolph Pedo McFiftyyearsofforigenpolicyexperiance to fly over for a Kingdom validating fist bump.

    As Bugs would say “What a maroon”…

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