100Percent Fed Up-
Joe Biden, the presidential candidate who believes Americans still listen to music on a phonograph, is venturing out of his basement to join his wife and handler, Jill Biden, on a train tour through Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Joe was greeted in Ohio by mobs of Trump supporters holding Trump flags, signs, and banners, as they patiently waited for old Sleepy Joe to pass by:
Comedian Tim Young points out that Biden’s train tour consists of riding the train for 25 minutes and then getting off the train to greet 8 people. Young calls his campaign train stunt, “Pointless.” There’s More
The Trump Train:
RIP Lloyd Marcus
by an amazing coincidence I went to the county dump today (our county is still rural enough not to have the county burden the taxpayers w/ the cost of trash pickup. you can pay a private co. to pick up your trash, but I prefer to go to the dump … it’s only about 8 minutes out of my way)
anyhow … while dumping my refuse in the compactor I noticed someone had placed a train set on top of the dumpster (people often do that w/ perfectly good unwanted items that someone else might desire) … had the urge to scarf it, but didn’t
damn! missed my chance to send it off to Joke as a ‘campaign contribution’ … I’ll remember to keep my eyes open for an old Victrola
damn Jethro! … I missed that one! RIP Mr. Marcus … gonna miss you
always thought PDT ought to play that at his rallies
Doug the dog – squirrel 🐿
They kept Joe entertained by teaching him this old song……
“When the train is in the station we encourage constipation….when the train is moving, so can yoooooou”….
The irony is that the last guy who did a whistle stop train tour was Truman, who defeated Dewey in part because Dewey thought he didn’t need to campaign. I don’t think you thought this stunt through.
Joe, I hate to break it to you, but nothing says old and tired politics more than riding a government train to campaign. I’m sure it fires up your radical marxist base. Your former boss always said that the GOP was trying to take us back to the fifties, and here you are riding the rails back to the forties.
I watched part of two of Biden’s whistle stops. He’s a tired old man…..President Trump took a big chunk out of Joey last night…..
As POTUS says Sleepy Joe has the circles and 3 people somewhere!
“Look, a squirrel!”
I’m surprised Joey was out in public (such as it is). I figured he’d be wiped out from last night, and recovering for the rest of the week in an induced coma to accelerate the detox from his heavy dose of boosters.
i was posting the other night how a whistle stop tour would be perfect for him. Sleeping in the car until the train stops, prop him up, mutter something, stumble back in car, fall asleep, repeat….
There’s a train stop for Joe. It’s called Willoughby.
I always like the snow blowing outside and the sound of the train semaphore signals…
@UncleAl ~ they practically had to get him out today (somewhere safe) to show his meds didn’t crash him
… the results are predictably lame
epitath … ‘Joe Biden, Mediocrity’
Joe Biden has the attrntion span of a mosquito.
“Mr. Vice President, what did you think of Mr. Wallace as last night’s debate conductor?”
“See, here’s the deal. Choo-choo-choo-choo choo-choo-choo-choo Wooo-ooo-ooo!”
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. Wooo Woo!
“It Takes a Lot to Laugh,
It Takes a Train to Cry.”
Love trains.
Still have a working phonograph.
Joey ain’t the only geezer out there!
izlamo delenda est …
Joe keeps losing his train…of thought.
Gee Wally, maybe Jackass Joe should give out 45 RPM records of his speeches…
Naw Beave, they’re too fast for Joe. Put em on 33 1/3rd flexi-discs, the kind that came in serial boxes and magazines. They were as flimsy as Joe’s platform!!
He thought the Petticoat Junction girls would be there to greet him!
Actually joey is more like the little engine that couldn’t, “I think I can’t, I know I can’t.” Choo choo. And Rat Fink I had a copy of the It’s a gas little flimsy record from Mad magazine when I was growing up. We played it to death and it has been gone foe a long time but I still remember laughing my self silly listening to all the burps and farts on it.
geoff – Like these?