Biden Gets On a Plane That Isn’t There For Him – IOTW Report

Biden Gets On a Plane That Isn’t There For Him

This is the guy that just last month (before he was exposed in a national debate to be a vegetable) was touted as “sharp as a tack” by the entire left.

This is actually quite sad-

33 Comments on Biden Gets On a Plane That Isn’t There For Him

  1. I watched it LIVE and was wondering if he was thanking the Crew.

    But he wandered off after the first meet and greet too.
    And I haven’t heard a peep about that all day.

    Makes ya go hmmmmmmmm

  2. Even if he is a demented old man, it is sad to see anyone wondering around lost like that. Where was Jill to rescue him.
    Just think, this is the President of the U.S. with the nuke codes

  3. I have no sympathy.

    No manner of death is painful and humiliating enough for this trasonous pedophile, this murderous fraud, this rapist of his own flesh and blood, despoiler of his own nation, this larcenous perverted worm.

    I hope he lives long enough to lose all his mobility, all his autonomy, suffers disphagia and disphonia but keeps enough awareness so he know it when he is abused in a nursing home like so many he sentenced there with his vicious medical tyranny, realizes he is completely abandoned by his adulerous “wife” and dissolute son, laughed at by people paid to protect him as he marinates in his own faeces and is burned by his own urine.

    But most of all I hope he lives long enough to feel a coarse hemp rope burn the flesh around his lying throat as it cuts the wind he used go give his malicious orders off forever, chafing him bloody at the neck and chin as his legs spasm helplessly in the airdance of slow strangation as his adreniline heightened senses let him feel his own shit rolling down his pant legs to the laughter of a delighted crowd, as his remaining synchophants wait in cages on the perhiphery for their turn.

    And I hope his arrogance keeps him from crying out to the Lord for mercy even in the extremey of his agonized convulsions, that he may pass to his true father and mentor in hell so he may begin an eternity of well-earned tormemt in the foulest depths that, even a thousand years from now, would only be beginning to recompense him for the evil he gleefully engaged in and the hell he inflicted on others.

    Sad? The only things sad about it is that it didnt happen soon enough to spare us from his depredations as Fraud In Chief, and that it isnt happening to them ALL.

    Suffer pain and humiliation Pedo Joe; and may you scream so hard as you begin your jouney to hell that your lying lungs rupture.

    I have no more sympathy for you than I would have for the devil himself.

    Because everything you said was just him speaking through you anyway, which you did as a willing puppet when you exchaged your soul for billions.

    Your stolen wealth cannot save you, nor your filched authority spare you your humiliation, no more than the rock will hide you or the dead tree give you shelter from the ultimate justice for your deeds, thoughts, and words.

    And should there be a funeral for you, filled with preening posers pretending over your dead flesh for political points, may all your restless paid “mourners” be constantly checking their watches.

  4. fuah, I can’t believe the SS let him go up those stairs, then they stood around with their thimbs up their asses and waited for him to come back dow—- wait….I can totally believe they did that. Aryicle 25 is so messy and complicated, and the Acting Director of the SS is already in deep sh*t…

  5. I don’t think his party, his staffers, his administration has any use for Joe at this point. They’ve admitted he’s not in charge of anything. Our government is being controlled at the top by unknown persons. And we seem to be OK with that.

  6. Ah bullshit. That’s what I call a set-up. Sometimes Shit just happens to anybody. Like this time to Biden. Get on with it. Isn’t there anything ELSE to laugh at Biden for? YES THERE IS.

  7. Ya’ll keep taking shots at the old man and we’re going to be going up against an incumbent “First Black Woman President” in Nov.
    We shouldve left the pathetic old gas bag alone so PDJT could wipe the floor with him in Nov. Its time to leave Joe alone and figure out how to beat the media’s new HISTORIC Darling!

  8. ^ You’re Racist! 🤪

    Joe’s body and cranial contents are on their own schedule, I think. He can keep filling his diaper and we can laugh a bit longer before I check again whether every weapon in my house is loaded.

  9. BUBBA
    SATURDAY, 3 AUGUST 2024, 9:11 AT 9:11 AM
    “SNS….so true, but could you elaborate your opinion more?”

    I would extend this a little…

    “Suffer pain and humiliation Pedo Joe; and may you scream so hard as you begin your jouney to hell that your lying lungs rupture.” with a comma, to make it

    “Suffer pain and humiliation Pedo Joe; and may you scream so hard as you begin your jouney to hell that your lying lungs rupture, drowning your unheeded cries of pain with a final gurgling retch, obsuring your once cocky smirk in a floodtide of bloody sputum flecked with lung tissue blackened and honecombed by tuberculosis as your own foul bile leaks into your wide and staring eyes to sear them open so you cannot look away as you see the gates of hell yawn wide to recieve you.”

    …that’s just one sentence tho, probably best I dont extend and revise more…


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