Biden Given Proper Greeting In Minnesota – IOTW Report

Biden Given Proper Greeting In Minnesota

American News Time

So much for “Minnesota nice.”

President Joe Biden received an ugly welcome in the Land of 10,000 Lakes Tuesday when his motorcade passed dozens of protesters who held vulgar signs dissing the commander-in-chief.

Some of the demonstrators waved campaign flags for former President Donald Trump.

One sign said “FJB” in an apparent abbreviation of “F–k Joe Biden.”

“A less coded version just outright said ‘F–k you Biden’ with the U in the F word cleverly drawn to look like a middle finger,” reported White House pool correspondent Todd Gillman of the Dallas Morning News. More

15 Comments on Biden Given Proper Greeting In Minnesota

  1. Seems an appropriate and Midwest nice understated greeting. After all, a “mostly peaceful” demonstration includes Molotov cocktails and those were not included. So, self contradiction here: it was a cool welcome instead of a warm welcome.


  2. If someone threw a rotten tomato at Biden’s motorcade, would his Praetorian Guard shoot him (the thrower) down?

    I’m guessing they probably would. But in Roman Empire times, the PG was useful in reliving unpopular Emperors of their duties, in a very prejudiced fashion. Maybe it will happen again.


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