Biden Goes For Colonoscopy (at the dentist, I would imagine) and Transfers Power of Presidency to Kamala – IOTW Report

Biden Goes For Colonoscopy (at the dentist, I would imagine) and Transfers Power of Presidency to Kamala

The Independent-

Joe Biden will undergo a “routine colonoscopy” today, during which time Vice President Kamala Harris will serve as acting President of the United States.

Mr Biden has to transfer power to Ms Harris as he will be anesthetised during the procedure. There is a small risk anytime someone is placed under anesthesia that they will die from complications with the gas. As such, Mr Biden must transfer power prior to his visit.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki spoke to reporters about Mr Biden’s hospital visit, noting that it was not an emergency and that it was not the first time a president had undergone the procedure.

“As was the case when President George W. Bush had the same procedure in 2002 and 2007, and following the process set out in the Constitution, President Biden will transfer power to the Vice President for the brief period of time when he is under anesthesia,” Ms Psaki said. “The Vice President will work from her office in the West Wing during this time.”


41 Comments on Biden Goes For Colonoscopy (at the dentist, I would imagine) and Transfers Power of Presidency to Kamala

  1. Madame President, just what is next… OMG !!! ^^^ Oh by the way those were shit out along time ago, now functioning on auto-pilot, with alot-o help from Jill. Nancy did a similar thing with Ronnie,so not a problem.

  2. Not necessary at all, just an effort to make Kamala look better. The first woman to ever hold the power of the presidency!
    She’s probably bound and gagged in a room somewhere to make sure she doesn’t screw it up.

  3. Not me
    NOVEMBER 19, 2021 AT 12:08 PM

    “She’s probably bound and gagged in a room somewhere to make sure she doesn’t screw it up.”

    Bound maybe, but never gagged. They just have SS men take turns jamming their cocks down her throat to keep her only real skill in practice and shuts her up at the same time…

  4. Somebody told me after hearing about this, “That’s good, maybe they’ll flush out the bullshit”.

    …I don’t think there’s a long enough hose, a sufficient amount of water, or a big enough catch basin to EVER do THAT, he’s been stacking it up for almost 8 decades, that’s a LOT of bullshit…

  5. ** Breaking News **

    (AP) Washington – Public relations officials at Walter Reed Army Hospital admitted today that a toxic gas alarm did, in fact, mysteriously trip during President Biden’s colonoscopy procedure. Apparently, the hospital’s rapid response team was mobilized with special gas sniffers and asked that all visitors and their children step outside during the toxic gas search. Mr. Biden was reportedly conscious during the brief alarm as the sigmoidoscopy was abruptly halted and the sigmoidoscope rapidly withdrawn, reportedly causing the President some significant discomfort. When asked “What did you find?”, the hospital spokesperson replied, “Nothing. But it looked like the typical landscape of a 78 year-old man who eats the wrong foods and has perpetually loose bowels. Oh, and we’re still trying to determine what caused the loud concussion and an odor that made everyone in the room to lose consciousness for ten or twenty seconds. It was pretty bad, from what the staff reports. So far, the sensors haven’t detected it. But no one is allowed back in there yet.” The hospital resumed normal operations several hours after the incident.

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