Biden Has a Serious Mental Lapse Mid-Speech – IOTW Report

Biden Has a Serious Mental Lapse Mid-Speech

Washington Examiner

President Biden appeared to flub Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin’s title and Pentagon office during a ceremony at the White House honoring two female military aviators for promotion to four-star commands.

“I want to thank Sec-, the former general, I keep calling him ‘General.’ My — the guy who runs that outfit over there,” Biden said in remarks from the White House to mark International Women’s Day.

Biden then quickly added, “I want to make sure we thank the secretary for all he’s done.”

The president had thanked Austin earlier in his comments for the secretary’s work addressing sexual assault and violence against women in the military. More

Ipse est pejus (He’s getting worse). – Dr. Tar

24 Comments on Biden Has a Serious Mental Lapse Mid-Speech

  1. …Neurosyphillis is a bitch…


    Symptoms usually affect the nervous system. Depending on the form of neurosyphilis, symptoms may include any of the following:

    Abnormal walk (gait), or unable to walk

    Numbness in the toes, feet, or legs

    Problems with thinking, such as confusion or poor concentration

    Mental problems, such as depression or irritability

    Headache, seizures, or stiff neck

    Loss of bladder control (incontinence)

    Tremors, or weakness

    Visual problems, even blindness”

    …enjoy the fruits of your perversion there, joe, couldn’t happen to a better pedophile fraud…

  2. I may not like most if not all in politics,but I am commanded to pray for my I leave them in the Lords hands. He alone will one day judge all wickedness and sin.Pray for his soon return.<

  3. The blustering buffoon known as Jackass Joe now brags about how he wuz a dumbshit before being a dumbshit wuz cool!
    (I think he has a Barbara Mandrell song constantly running thru his head…)

  4. Chuckie
    MARCH 9, 2021 AT 12:19 PM
    “One day he’ll will call it the Pentagram or the Octagon…mark it down.”

    …it WILL be the pentagram once the demonic Democrats are finished with it…

  5. You forgot the “Syphilis Stomp”, Upside Down Supernightshade. That’s where the lack of sensation in the feet forces the syphilis case to stomp the ground when he walks so that he knows that his foot is hitting the ground

    Dead giveaway for syphilis. My Dad worked a syphilis ward as an intern in the late Forties, so he saw this up close and personal

    And after about the fifth time he told me this story, I joked “So what are you trying to tell me, Dad; that I should stop consorting with prostitutes?”

  6. That “outfit” over there

    Even Joe’s pathological stupidities are pathologically stupid

    You’d have to travel back to the time of the Korean War to find people talking about “my outfit” Thats about as hip and happening as “malarkey”

  7. …Time for Joe’s Scarecrow song…

    “I could sniff away for hours
    Litle girls who smell of flowers,
    Touching all the time;

    And my nuts I’d be a scratchin’
    While pervy thoughts are busy hatchin’
    ‘Cause I’ve got a pervy mind.

    I’d unravel ev’ry ribbon in her hair that she’s been given
    Then sniff her to unwind,

    ‘Cause the thoughts I’ve been thinkin’
    Like Mohammads they be stinkin’
    ‘Cause I have a pervy mind.

    Oh, I, could touch a guy,
    Or molest some paid-for whore,
    But I wanna touch what’s not been touched before,
    And then I’d grin, and touch some more,

    People think I’m just a muffin’,
    A harmless old man puffun’,
    I let ’em think they’re being kind;

    But their children I be feeling
    Even with the cameras reeling
    It gets off my pervy mind.”
    -“The Biden Song”, apologies to “If I Only Had A Brain”

  8. Its all a scam, an illusion, nothing is real with biden including his voters….

    What ypu see now is. it all caving in around him slowly but surely

  9. Does anyone remember reading about Dementia Joe Obiden Bama’s importing all that juicy beef from England during the Mad Cow Disease Epidemic? You know that Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy that causes human brains to go all spongy and wonky. Asking for a veterinarian.

  10. Can you just imagine the outcry from the absurd stream media if Trump came anywhere near saying something so profoundly stupid. They used to criticize GWB for the way he pronounced nuclear. The NYT would scream for invoking the 25th Amendment and the witch of the House would form an impeachment committee.

  11. Anyone remember how much they badgered Rick Perry for forgetting the department of energy during one of the debates? “I’d do away with three departments: education, commerce, and the third one.”

  12. Get serious.
    Biden’s a Usurper. A phony Presidunce. A stage prop.

    Nobody fucking cares! Get it? Nobody in Demonrat-land is embarrassed. Nobody in Media-land is embarrassed. Nobody in Academia is embarrassed. Nobody on Wall Street is embarrassed. Nobody on Capitol Hill is embarrassed. Nobody on the SCROTUS is embarrassed.

    They’ve elevated a retarded, evil, greedy, corrupt stooge and are daring America to do something about it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  13. Caligula elevated his horse to the Roman Senate – no one objected.
    Stalin made Voroshilov a Marshall of the Soviet Union – no one objected.
    Soros made Biden Presidunce – no one objected.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. I despise Biden, always have. But,I despise the people who trot this husk of a man out in front of cameras every couple of days to make a fool of himself even more. The entire world is laughing at us & our enemies are licking their chops.


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