Biden has another Major​ problem with the stairs – IOTW Report

Biden has another Major​ problem with the stairs

8 Comments on Biden has another Major​ problem with the stairs

  1. C’mon man, you know me. I’m your friend, I’m a nice guy. I’m why all the illegal dreamers and schemers want to infiltrate, er, I mean, enter our country.

    Now go bite a wet-back.

  2. Biden has NO RIGHT to set foot in that plane because he LOST. Arizona will soon know who the true winner was there, and the truth will spread as thorough audits are performed in other states. Biden himself said the Democrats have the most incredible fraud machine ever constructed. The handwriting is on the wall. Biden’s days are numbered.

  3. Fucking clown. How many pairs of trousers does this dipshit have in the closet for every time he rips open the knees falling down the stairs, shits in them, pisses in them, or the dog bites holes in them?

    This guy belongs in a palliative care facility where the orderlies carry 18 inch sections of garden hose filled with sand (for the unruly ones).

    I shouldn’t write, or even think about shit like that… but he’s an evil scumbag and deserves whatever evil shit gets dished out to him.

  4. Poop … there it is
    Poop … there it is

    this is the most pathetic presidency since Woodwow Willson’s StrokeARama
    (‘Dr’ Jill sez: “you ain’t seen nothin’ yet, baby! I’m propping this geezer up faster than you can say ‘Weekend At Joey’s’ “)

    … come to think of it a ‘Weekend At Joey’s’ meme would be a great running gig


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