Biden Has Another Malfunction On His Road Trip Through The Rust Belt – IOTW Report

Biden Has Another Malfunction On His Road Trip Through The Rust Belt

On Tuesday Joe Biden wondered off the script in Michigan and began relaying a bizarre tale about his “grandpop” and building “jargee stations” [or “jardy” spelling of his gibberish is fluid] before abruptly ending his remarks. Here

Yesterday in Illinois, the old decrepit went off on an incomprehensible tangent again spouting “The Ohio Pennsylvania, The Ohio Pennsylvania – I’m The Illinois President.” Add in “Chattanooga Choo-Choo” and “The Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe” and you’ve got yourself a hit from the 1940s. More

17 Comments on Biden Has Another Malfunction On His Road Trip Through The Rust Belt

  1. I heard American Oil and garging station. I think he’s confusing filling station with electric charging station. Anyway not making excuses for the old geezer he’s just confused all the time!

  2. Continues to think he knows what he said after he says it. Smartest man ever. Period. Exclamation mark!

    Actually just an illegitimate president foisting illegal “citizens” on Americans.

  3. It’s not funny. It’s frightening and has to stop. If he was the manager at a local bank, he would have replaced long ago, but he is the most dangerous person in the USA (maybe the world_ today.
    Quit making jokes. Demand the right people do the right thing. They got rid of Nixon when it was time to do so, now it’s time to get rid of Biden.
    (the ‘sr’ in my screen name stands for ‘senior’, the ‘dem’ stands for democrat. been a democrat since 1965)

  4. Q. What borders on insanity?
    A. Canada and Mexico

    The fact that this idiot is allowed anywhere near the Oval Office, let alone pretend he’s the president, is simply insane.

  5. @srdem65 ~ “Quit making jokes. Demand the right people do the right thing. They got rid of Nixon when it was time to do so, now it’s time to get rid of Biden.”

    r u serious? you were probably out chanting ‘Ho Ho Ho Chi Min’ in the ’60’s. “They” got rid of Nixon? it was your buddies in the Media that did it! where are they now? did you vote for Carter? Clinton? Gore? Kerry? Obama? … bet ya even voted for Xiden

    … & now you come in here, demanding ‘we’ do something about the mess you & your ilk created. gotta admire your chutzpa … welcome to the party, pal


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