Biden Heads Back to DC From Vacation at Camp David – Will Leave for the US Virgin Islands – IOTW Report

Biden Heads Back to DC From Vacation at Camp David – Will Leave for the US Virgin Islands

GP: Joe Biden on Tuesday returned to Washington DC from a vacation at Camp David, the presidential retreat in Catoctin Mountain Park in Maryland.

Because of the bad weather, Joe Biden returned to DC via his presidential motorcade, not Marine One.

Biden and his family of grifters will leave for another holiday in the US Virgin Islands on Wednesday afternoon.

It is unclear where Joe Biden will be staying during his holiday in St. Croix to celebrate the New Year.

In 2022 Biden stayed at a beachfront villa owned by wealthy Biden-Democrat donors Bill and Connie Neville. more here

12 Comments on Biden Heads Back to DC From Vacation at Camp David – Will Leave for the US Virgin Islands

  1. Different Tim: he returns to work? You could have fooled me. From what I see, he shows up, makes a fool of himself, then is pushed out the door for a few days so he can’t do any more damage (hopefully).

  2. The Pedo has been on vacation for 50 years. Like most of the political class he has contributed nothing to America.

    He loves to rub our face in it at this point because he is in on the con. Valjar pulls all the strings on the commie cabal side and Manchelle is our future.

    The sack of shit can stay on permanent vacation until he is dumped in a few months…

  3. Typical Jackass Joe… shits all over the nation, then walks away from his mess!!
    The dull and void mansion-dwelling, nation-selling, speech-yelling, whopper-telling, kiddie-smelling, pig-eyed, stumbling, bumbling, low IQ, clueless dullard!

  4. Biden: Ah…Virgin Islands. So that’s where they hang out. I’ve never had sex with a virgin, except for my daugh….uh never mind, forget I said that….and, no, I never had sex with her anyway, never! Ever! Swear to God.

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