Biden: “I’m the—I’m a professor.” – IOTW Report

Biden: “I’m the—I’m a professor.”

Say what, now?

28 Comments on Biden: “I’m the—I’m a professor.”

  1. I’m the progressor emeritung of mink farming! You plant their heads you stupid bastards! A new mink grows. Like Knee-grows. Cornpop was a bad dude! I like purple skittles!

  2. It’s not even funny anymore. Pathological liars – like this traitor and the likes of fellow pathological liar Hillary Clinton – should never be allowed near anything resembling a lever of power.

  3. `Hey man I taught chinese to 17,000 little kids, I don’t know if that’s the number, from the Himalayan foothills with Xi as my assistant. It’s not a joke, god’s honest truth. whispers, “Possibilities.”`

  4. This perfesser has a LOT of imaginary friends who “voted” for him!! Since it’s Easter time, maybe he wuz thinking Harvey the rabbit wuz up there next to him!

  5. Thirdtwin
    APRIL 15, 2022 AT 7:35 AM
    “Next thing you know, he’ll be a doctor lije his wife.”

    “Doctor Professor President Truckdriver Biden”

    …Yes, I could see this self-aggrandizing pedophile putting all those titles in his name, since he’s claimed them all anyway without a right to ANY of them.

    I’m actually surprised he doesn’t claim to be a Reverend or Father as well.

    What the hell. Why not. He has as much right to THOSE as he does to calling himself “president”, which is none at all, so it’s a wonder the devil hasn’t told him to do that as well and complete the insult to God that is Joe Biden.

    After all, as the evil priest in “The Hunchback Of Notre Dame” said, “When one is doing evil, it tis madness to stop halfway.”

    That’s Pedo Joe. Reprobate to the core.

    So one more lie…really isn’t going to make a difference.

  6. A professor with a doctorate from Asshole U.
    “Asshole U, Asshole U we do love you yes we do
    When people ask us where we went to skoo
    We can tell them Asshole U.”

  7. @JOEY –

    Wilbur the Horse – I thought a horse is a horse, of course, of course, and no one can talk to a horse, of course. That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mr Ed – and Wilbur Post was his owner

  8. I can’t stand the man but he obviously was joking and I hated it when the left tried to made Trump look stupid when he was joking. Joe’s bad for real, no joking!

  9. I haven’t heard anyone say this about Biden yet it applies perfectly. He’s a pathological liar. He’s always been one. It’s a sad commentary on our political system that such a dirt bag would be elevated to the heights of power.

  10. Satan looks after his own.
    Pathological liar, plagiarist, thief, corrupt-o-crat, grifter, traitor …
    what have I left out? Oh, yeah, pedophile, pervert, child-molester …
    have I overlooked anything? Demented retard, confused, tired, pants-shitter …
    must be more to the man …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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