Biden is a Genius… He Made Murder Illegal – IOTW Report

Biden is a Genius… He Made Murder Illegal

17 Comments on Biden is a Genius… He Made Murder Illegal

  1. Gee, while he’s at it, could he do the same for rioting, looting, arson, and dereliction of duty (cowardly cops and recalcitrant D.A.’s)?

    And while he’s feeling all law and orderly, put some teeth into the domestic terrorist watchlist by adding BLM, ANTIFA, and 99% of the nation’s college facilities?

  2. “We must continue to root out racism and stand up to hate wherever it’s found.”
    -Some Demented Pedophile Fraudulently Posing As President

    …start with the Democrat party. From slavery to opposing Civil Rights Acts to Jim Crowe to founding the KKK, as well as deliberately destroying Black families and ripping Black babies apart in the womb, there’s the Democrats, always being racists and even adding unconstitutional, blatant, explicit, invidious anti-White rascism to the mix in latter days…you wanna do something about rayyycism, Pedo, start by killing yourself…

  3. Cynic
    AUGUST 29, 2022 AT 10:51 AM
    “I can’t remember anyone being lynched in my lifetime.”

    Let a Black man stand up for anything Democrats don’t like, and you’ll see a full government/media lynching pretty quick.

    Cf. Clarence Thomas for more detail…


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