Biden is Either a Serial Liar or a Moron – IOTW Report

Biden is Either a Serial Liar or a Moron

Once again, he claims to have never said what he is clearly saying on video-

21 Comments on Biden is Either a Serial Liar or a Moron

  1. Joe, I wish the late Senator Tex Stevens were around to explain to you a little about the internet. He had an explanation you might just understand, starting with “The internet is not a big truck. It’s a series of tubes.” And Joe, to keep things on that level, those tubes are connected to big tanks full of information. And every speech you’ve made, every word you’ve written, and videos of every little girl you sniffed or groped, is floating around somewhere in one of those tanks. And finally Joe, there are millions of use just waiting to dredge embarrassing things from those tanks should you become your party’s nominee. I honestly can’t decide who would be more fun, you or Bern.

  2. yes, the man is, & always has been, an addled, brain-tumored, hair-implanted, capped-tooth bully of a moron … it just goes to show you that even morons can aspire to the highest offices in the US

    … now that’s equality!

  3. Cherrybark, didn’t Sting write a song about that…

    Every breath you take, every move you make
    Every bond you break, every step you take (I’ll be watching you)
    Every single day, every word you say
    Every game you play, every night you stay (I’ll be watching you)
    Every move you make, every vow you break
    Every smile you fake, every claim you stake (I’ll be watching you)
    Every single day, every word you say
    Every game you play, every night you stay (I’ll be watching you)

  4. In Ol’ Joes’ case;
    Having said so much and done so little in you career you expect you’re a viable candidate for POTUS.

    In Ol’ Bernies case;
    Having said and done so little in your career you may be the perfect (leftist) candidate for POTUS.


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