Biden is “Reviewing” Trump EO That Lowered Drug Prices – IOTW Report

Biden is “Reviewing” Trump EO That Lowered Drug Prices


20 Comments on Biden is “Reviewing” Trump EO That Lowered Drug Prices

  1. I have this HIGHLY UNINFORMED high school friend who hates PRESIDENT Trump who is about to be in for a rude sugar crash when she realizes her pedo pick for president is about to raise her insulin.

  2. Just another instance of knee-jerk rage reaction to something sensible and beneficial, just because Bad Orange Man did it. Like sending more troops to Syria because Bad Orange Man drew them down. We are in for a whole lot of reflexive stupidity.

  3. “Biden is now reversing the executive order put into place by President Trump to reduce pricing for insulin and epinephrine …

    This is NOT a partisan issue and will harm Americans.”

    I beg to differ. Seems like Joe is totally making a partisan issue of it, simply because it came from Trump. The fact that it will end up harming people is of no consequence to him — just can’t let Trump and the American people have this win.

  4. …didn’t Da Courts always interfere with President Trump’s ability to reverse “Obama” Executive Orders”?

    Why aren’t they doing so NOW?

    …hey let’s ask John Rob…

    https: //


    …Never mind…

  5. People are always saying that it is the health insurers making all the money. False. 0bamacare forced limits on how much profit the health insurers could make – although those percentage limits incentivize them to pay higher costs which allows them to charge more. 20% of $2 billion in costs is better than 20% of $1 billion in costs. No, it is the health providers who are able to charge exorbitant amounts. And I have certainly seen that, particularly with costs for necessary procedures vs. elective ones.

    Also, what SNS said – shouldn’t there be lawsuits to keep Keystone Pipeline going too?

  6. That one stings a little. My wife is type 1 diabetic. (65 and endured covid with hardly a symptom by the way thanks be to God) This only strengthens my resolve against these vindictive SOBs.

  7. So the drug companies FEEL it makes them look like price gougers? lol
    Yeah, you look even worse, now, assholes! What savings are they talking about for these drugs? When did that happen? Certainly not BEFORE Trump.
    shit, my insulin didn’t go generic UNTIL TRUMP. It was half the price per vial. I guess now the generic will go as high as the ‘brand’ name now.

    I bought 2 vials before this ‘change’. But what the fuck am I gonna do when that runs out? I guess I’ll have to stop eating until the fucking pee-soaked retard in the Oval Basement gets recalled.

  8. I consider raising the cost of insulin as a tax. Plus the secret death panel has decided diabetics use too much medical services.

    He said he would raise taxes, nobody should be surprised.

    In 6 months the cost of gas, and your electric bill will be 40% higher. Your investments will be 25% lower.

    Madam Zonga knows all

  9. Biden was talking about the economic crisis deepening. Well the guy cancels the US oil industry, costs my state of TX 120,000 jobs, publicly craps all over the National Guard, sends troops into Syria and does everything to raise the prices of everything and limit job growth. And we aren’t even done with a full week. Orange man bad. WTH

  10. Most likely he is cutting a deal where they can increase their profits in all areas which would increase their profitability long term and trying to get them to charge less than they really want for the COVID vaccines which are most likely a short term revenue generator. (Bait and Switch).

    UNLESS they mandate booster COVID vaccines every few years after your initial doses. (Reoccurring revenue)

    But most likely he is just paying back some of the scumbags who funded him. ( Classic Politician)

    3 bad scenarios regardless.

  11. Corky,
    I happen to mention the story about the Epi-pen to a friend and some
    crank with a septum ring in her nose butted in and went off about how racist I was. I calmly asked her how was my comment racist? She retreated to what I can only assume was the ladies room to look in the
    mirror and relish how she challenged the patriarchy or something.

  12. ” … shouldn’t there be lawsuits to keep Keystone Pipeline going too?”

    Since this will be a huge financial hit against everyone that has invested in it and everyone that has invested in them, shouldn’t pulling an already granted permit and putting an end to it be considered a taking and require financial compensation as such?

    Only seems fair to me.

  13. Masochism seems to be a real part of progressivism. The problem is they want our company in a very serious way.

    And of course, the masochists who vote for their rulers are voting for sadists like Whitmer.

    Masochists and sadists need eachg other. We don’t need either.

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