Biden is the Only One Wearing a Mask During Virtual Climate Change Discussion – IOTW Report

Biden is the Only One Wearing a Mask During Virtual Climate Change Discussion

Biden masks up for a video call to discuss climate change with world leaders He appears to be the only one wearing a mask.

23 Comments on Biden is the Only One Wearing a Mask During Virtual Climate Change Discussion

  1. If someone put a mask on his big screen teleprompter, this demented fool couldn’t handle a telephone call to the operator. Dementia Joe is a joke. A dangerous joke. Watch what the Russians, ChiComs, and the Iranians do after this display of masked stupidity.

  2. Over at Daily Caller they’re trying to give Biden* cover for wearing a mask because others were present in the room but off camera. Horse hockey. 1st, Biden’s* staff should have known in advance that the other leaders were not going to be masked during the video event. 2nd, that folks sat within 6′ of Biden* was poor logistics. 3rd, they’ve probably ALL had their vaccinations so NONE of them needed their masks. 4th, bull hockey. If Biden* can still get the virus months after being vaccinated, it’s time for someone to call the Chi-Coms for the antidote they created before releasing the virus onto the world.

  3. President* has his head so far up his ass that he has to open his mouth to see where he’s going.

    (ponder on this one a while. Sort of a MC Escher thing going on there, eh?)

  4. Like Obama, Biden came into office and fired everyone connected to the previous Republican President. Neither fool realized they fired all their brain power. The clueless, unqualified rookies make too many mistakes and it shows.

  5. Badco April 25, 2021 at 11:06 am

    Also, no flag in the background. Fuc*ing asshole.

    He’s a mini-me of Obama, hates the American flag, hates America and is hell bent on destroying it. Why are we all acting surprised at what he’s doing, and what are we going to do to stop it? Historically, in ancient cultures, the people took care of people like Biden and Obama, and it wasn’t a pretty scene.

  6. He had to wear the mask; so no one would suspect that he wasn’t really involved in the conversation. A voice synthesizer was used; so they could just put video of Biden up there looking like he’s talking.

  7. Goldenfoxx APRIL 25, 2021 AT 11:39 AM If people can’t rally around someone like the Preacher in Calgary who stood up to the “gestapo” police, it doesn’t bode well for this country. We need someone to stand up and say “Follow Me.”

  8. 1) He prefers the mask so he can’t smell his shitted in pants.

    2) He would upset too many Democrats if he had an American Flag.

    3) He would upset too many Americans if he has his ChYnEEzE Flag.

    Skilled Asshole Politician.

  9. Xiden’s Deep State handlers are showing the world how easy he is to clown and manipulate. He’s a demwit fraud unlawfully occupying the White House. The United States of America is ripe for the picking by allies and enemies.

  10. I have said this before on this fine site, but it needs to be reiterated. The whole world is laughing at us & our enemies are licking their chops. Biden is the poster boy for term limits. There has never been a person less suited to hold any kind of office than Biden. What has he done after nearly 50 years in politics? Nothing. Except to feather his nest, allowing his entire family to become expert grifters & traitors. I honestly can’t see us returning to the America of years past after this train wreck has concluded. I sincerely hope that I am wrong, but it seems to be too late.

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