Biden is Wrong: U.S. Didn’t Have a Good Relationship With Hitler — But the New York Times Did – IOTW Report

Biden is Wrong: U.S. Didn’t Have a Good Relationship With Hitler — But the New York Times Did

PJM: Did the United States really have a good relationship with Adolf Hitler before he started World War II? Joe Biden made this bizarre claim during Thursday’s debate with President Trump. Trump said of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un: “North Korea, we’re not in a war. We have a good relationship. People don’t understand. Having a good relationship with leaders of other countries is a good thing.”

Biden shot back: “We had a good relationship with Hitler before he, in fact, invaded Europe, the rest of Europe. Come on.”

Come on, Joe! The U.S. didn’t have a good relationship with Hitler before he “invaded Europe. The German dictator was, however, beloved in certain quarters, including the editorial offices of the New York Times.

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt didn’t attack Hitler directly before the war began, but relations between the U.S. and Nazi Germany were by no means good. In September 1938, Roosevelt sent a telegram to Hitler lecturing him about the importance of keeping the peace and stating: “The conscience and the impelling desire of the people of my country demand that the voice of their government be raised again and yet again to avert and to avoid war.” Implying that Hitler was a warmonger was hardly a hallmark of cordial relations between the two countries.

Failing to get a satisfactory response from Hitler, on October 11, 1938, Roosevelt announced that he was increasing national defense spending by $300 million (over $5 billion in today’s dollars). No one thought that money was going to build up our defenses against Britain and France. more

18 Comments on Biden is Wrong: U.S. Didn’t Have a Good Relationship With Hitler — But the New York Times Did

  1. Mark Levin talked about that in his book, Unfreedom of the Press

    “…In the midst of his powerful narrative, tucked between a chapter on how the media use the 24-hour news cycle to create fake events, and another devoted to the media’s dehumanization of President Donald Trump, is a chapter that focuses on how, in the 1930s and 1940s, the New York Times deliberately hid the Nazi genocide of European Jewry from its readers…”

  2. Joe never heard the phrase keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Or, maybe he did hear it and thought you are supposed to literally be better friends with enemies; that would explain his strong desire to sell us to China.

  3. Was this before or after he jabbed at Trump, calling him “Abraham Lincoln,here” (in a manner that more than suggested Biden’s antipathy for Lincoln)?

    Biden doesn’t know the color of the socks he put on a half hour ago. He’s not going to be a primary source of U.S. History.

  4. The NY Slimes loved Lenin, Stalin, and Hitler. Keep that in mind whenever one of their so called “editors” writes another puff piece glorifying the USCP, aka the DNC.

  5. The NY Slimes should lose Walter Duranty’s Pulitzer Prize for Literature because of his praise for Stalin’s pogroms against the Ukrainian people in killing them and starving them to death and lying thru his teeth about it in the 1920’s and early 30’s.

  6. IBM was certainly chummy with the nazis. They ran the databases, via their new punchcards and readers, for the 1930’s german census(s), that turned into tattooed numbers on concentration camp prisoner’s arms. They did this as dehomag, their german subsidiary, and kept/hid their offices in Switzerland. And, being ibm/dehomag, they didn’t sell the equipment to the nazis- they had their technicians run things. They had their employees at the camps themselves. They even smuggled much needed punchcards from ny, through Belguim to Switzerland, then to the nazi’s.
    Oh- that’s right- it wasn’t the nazi census in the 1930’s, it was the democratic socialists that did it
    Then as now.
    And don’t worry a bit, bill gates will properly manage a genetic/virus vaccine database for us.

  7. The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact put all the socialists’ minds at ease.
    Stalin, through Comintern, ordered all faithful organs of the press (including the NY Times) to look away from how the National Socialists differed from the Inter-National Socialists and applaud the march of Socialism towards World Domination (which they did).
    Roosevelt was much more interested in plunging America into the socialist quagmire than in opposing fellow socialists on the shaky grounds of “principle.”
    Europe was looking for a “leader” (English for “fuhrer”) and found one.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. national socialists (nazis):

    .a REAL NAZI named a. hitler invited the virulently anti-semitic muslim “grand mufti” of jerusalem to berlin sometime around/during ww2, much like the baby-killer d-suckers welcomed ellison, grobama, rat-s**ta tlaib & ilhan omar/blows-more into the rat-party in recent years.

    .REAL NAZIS instituted gun control as a vital tool to use in ultimately murdering the majority of the Jewish population of europe, the same evil that sniffer-joe & the skate-board ***hole from el paso want to install in America.

  9. Joe, if you want the presidency bad enough you’re going to have to have Hunter snuffed.
    They say losing the second one isn’t near as bad but you still got to make the decision.


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