Biden- It’s Unpatriotic To Not Get Vaccinated – IOTW Report

Biden- It’s Unpatriotic To Not Get Vaccinated

(and yes, I did hear him say fart…)

He will begin going door to door, to make you more patriotic–

56 Comments on Biden- It’s Unpatriotic To Not Get Vaccinated

  1. In the same speech he said they would go door to door to harass the unvaccinated into getting the jab. So how do they know. Or are they ignoring HIPAA laws? I hope they have lots of spare canvassers. They’re going to need them.

  2. I’ll take my chances with natural immunity, thank you very much now get off my property and remove me from your list or I’ll press charges for harassment.

  3. It does seem a flagrant violation of HIPAA to give medical information to a bunch of progressive non-profit groups acting as “canvassers.” This is completely not okay.

  4. These GET THE JAB fanatics are starting to sound like Charlie Browns parents. That song from the Seeds, You’re Pushing To Hard, starts auto playing in my head.

  5. “..and off times door-to-door literally knocking on doors to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus.”

    Now, why would people go door-to-door helping people that are protected? Or is he admitting that if you’re not vaccinated you are protected unlike those that are vulnerable with the death jab? And what is “off time?”

  6. And if you are not vaccinated, what then? Will they have vaccine doses with them? Will they not leave until you are vaccinated? Will they force you to be vaccinated against your will? Maybe they will need to combine vaccine canvassing with gun confiscation, because if they don’t do the second, they may not be able to get the first (though if they try the second, they may not have a chance to even try the first).

  7. They’re so fanatically desperate to get more people vaccinated it should give you deep concern.
    It’s just way too fishy for anyone with the slightest survival instincts.

  8. Stupid commie bastard fails to mention natural immunity, guess having the Wu Flu was unpatriotic.

    Notice how he lost his train of thought after answering off his dementia cheat sheet? How quickly he turned and shuffled away with his earpiece screaming Run Pedo Run…

    We are so screwed…

  9. I’ve been saying that the jackboots will have to kick my door in and hold me down, kicking and screaming, for me to get that vax. Looks like that may be what they are planning. I will never willingly take it.

  10. “People will die”
    “I don’t GAF who you’re from, you’re trespassing in a gated community and there’s a sign right here on the door plainly saying “No Soliciting”.
    I’m closing the door & calling the cops now”

  11. I’d sooner let a Jehovah’s Witness come to my door and actually have a civil conversation with them than let some flunky from the gubmint try to convince me to get the jab. Kiss my ass, Joey, it’s none of your damn business whether I’m vaccinated for COVID or not. Mickey Moussaoui and TRF, I may just have to join you to moon any schlub who tries to convince me of getting the jab. We should start a national moon the buffoon from the gubmint campaign to thwart these peckerheads.

  12. Our 4th of July was exactly the same as last. Except for the extra 0.16 cents. They didn’t start f’in with us until mid august. I guess that’s when I should expect the canvassers. Good thing the boy is in 4H season. Yassir! He nicked the census man a few years back.

  13. I know that but I would rather have those pests come to my door than some Karen from the gubmint who will not listen to reason. I’d rather be persecuted with the JW’s than submit to ungodly, unconstitutional edicts from this usurper that goes against my freedom. God has full authority over my life, joey doesn’t have diddly squat.

  14. Hey asshole Covid has been over for us since April 2020 and I haven’t had restrictions on what I can and can’t do because I won’t tolerate that. And if someone dares to show up on my rural property they will told as aggressively to get out as Artur Pawlowski in Canada demonstrated. I don’t take kindly to people trying to inject me with a bio weapon and I don’t want to hear your lies about safety and effectiveness.

  15. I think if they are serious about this program, they should start by sending their “canvassers” into the inner city ghettos first. That should thin their herd pretty quickly. While they are at it, they should try their gun confiscation scheme at the same time.

  16. “How do I know you’ve been vaccinated?? Where’s your card??” Rip, Rip, Rip it doesn’t look valid, torn in pieces like that. Please leave, this is private property.”

  17. Hey slo Joe, tell that to the two ebonic neeps I just saw cruising the park, windows up tight and wearing huge knitted looking face masks. SMFH.

  18. I think they’ll be going after the inner cities first because some of them will gladly drop their pants. They really want to get the black people “vaccinated”, yet some of them are resisting.

    And the feds are probably hoping for someone to get shot so they can start some sort of crazy ass lockdown.

  19. Just inside my door, a poster that says “This house has been quarantined due to 6 occupants having contracted Covid 19” will be ready, along with some ductape.
    When someone comes to the door, just say “Excuse me. my doctor has advised me to post this”.
    Ask them if they are vaccinated, and then *cough*cough*coooooough* snort* ask them to come in.

  20. What’s unpatriotic is to run an elderly, mentally impaired buffoon with a long history og incompetence, questionable morals and criminal inclinations for the highest political office in the nation, get him elected by suspicious means then try to convince us he’s perfectly normal.


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