Biden ‘Justice’ Department taking it easy on rioters – IOTW Report

Biden ‘Justice’ Department taking it easy on rioters

Howie Carr-

In addition to everything else in the United States that the Biden administration is destroying, consider the federal justice system.

C’mon down, Montez Terriel Lee, Jr., a career thug from Minnesota. He killed somebody in a fire while looting a pawn shop during the George Floyd shopping spree of 2020.

But the pampered pukes in Brandon’s Department of Justice recommended only a relative slap on the wrist because … equity.

All you deplorables out there in your MAGA hats must understand that “Tez,” as he is known to his fellow looters, is “a thoughtful intelligent man.”

Or so the pampered pukes in the U.S. attorney’s office in Minnesota say.

“Mr. Lee had a plan to turn his life around, which appears to have been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic.” more

9 Comments on Biden ‘Justice’ Department taking it easy on rioters

  1. This is more a continuation of the Obama Doctrine than anything Biden thought of on his own. It was that dog-eating black on one side community organizer that initiated the couching of everything through the lens of race and racial equity. He was the one that gave Soros influence and prestige, he was the one that railed against “Stop and frisk” policies, he was the one that reminded us that his son was metaphorically Travon Martin, and he was the one that drove the wedge between community policing the very people that needed protecting.

    He also brought us that bicameral pronged justice system; one set of rules for the protected and elite, one for everyone else.

  2. Of course the gubmint is releasing these thugs because they’re their homies. What else would you expect. They’ve become a privileged class for the democraps because of their minority and alleged victim status. Thanks for nothing LBJ and your rotten, misbegotten clusterfuck so called War on Poverty, it hasn’t accomplished jack shit but made blacks and other minorities slaves to the democrap party since the mid 60’s. But their intentions are good. Right, I call bullshit!

  3. All the better to create more chaos and division.
    All the better to let everyone know that speaking up against leftist commie govt actions will get you more serious punishment from Brandon/ Obama/ Soros administration than murder.

  4. The only reason the Jan 6th protesters are still locked up is they were a perceived threat to the people who are really trying to destroy the country. And they can’t let anyone or anything get in their way.

  5. The credit is Mitch’s not Joe’s! Mitch “moved mountains” to get Garland confirmed! Had MItch not worked “tirelessly” for Garland; most of this would not happen.
    Thank Mitch, not joe!


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