Biden Lacky Threatens Airlines to Comply with Green New Deal – IOTW Report

Biden Lacky Threatens Airlines to Comply with Green New Deal


White House National Climate Adviser Gina McCarthy openly threatened airlines in true “Godfather” fashion on Friday during a forum at Tufts University, warning that they will no longer exist if they don’t follow President Joe Biden’s Green New Deal-style rules.

“Who woulda thunk that [airlines would] be all in?” McCarthy remarked. “But they better be or they’re gonna be out of here.”

The White House is promoting exceedingly unrealistic policies that claim to increase sustainable jet fuel by three billion gallons and reduce aviation emissions by 20 percent by 2030.

McCarthy boasted that the Biden administration will be issuing over 100 new rules this year to regulate appliances. More

17 Comments on Biden Lacky Threatens Airlines to Comply with Green New Deal

  1. Ignore them. Illegitimate bastards run nothing. Overthrow these impostors.

    Christ. Every day this crap goes on and fat lazy Americans don’t give a shit because they’re hypnotized by TV, hot pockets and internet porn.

  2. No more Bat $hit crazy women in politics
    here and world wide. Crazy bint in Germany
    wants to start N war with Russia & China !!!!!
    I tell Ya listen to Radioman cause he iz schmart, if just 1 nuke goes
    off over a city anywhere in the world life as we know it is frickin’ over FOREVER!

  3. Make Air Force One the first “green” jetliner, and maybe I will consider listening to you.

    After I’m done listening, I will still call you a fucking moron, I but I will listen. I will have to be about a six-pack in before we start though.

  4. Ignore the orders, take them to court when necessary, just keep it all tied up until we have a Republican president. When the House and Senate go Republican this fall they need to attack, attack, attack to keep the administration from implementing these destructive rules.

  5. This has been said forever, but it does bear repeating. In the liberal hivemind there is only one thought. It must be banned or mandatory. That’s it. Just like terrorists, you DO NOT negotiate or try to placate them. They are beyond help. They are to be destroyed. Do people really think that any of this shit will apply to these assholes? Not a chance. They will be safely tucked away in their mansions with millions of dollars in the bank while the average person is starving to death in a fully furnished fridge without the benefit of lights, running water or access to an automobile & adequate medical care. Rules for thee, but not for me. The elites are on the 10 yard line & can smell the end zone. Just a few end runs around We The People & the game is over.

  6. 1) Airlines DO NOT build the planes or the engines. They Fly what they Buy.
    Boeing 43% Air Bus 45% Bombardier 5%. Good luck putting a finger on the scale of that corporate behemoth in either direction without huge economic ramifications. esp Boeing.

    2) Politicians use every excuse possible to Fly all over the World on the taxpayer Dime.

  7. @Redcat 66 May 6, 2022 at 9:40 pm

    > Just a few end runs around We The People & the game is over.

    If “The People” are unwilling to have “their” rulers killed, for the existential attacks against them, they shouldn’t be allowed to waste space in the bleachers.

  8. Hambone,

    My Government is in to Rusty Trombones.

    Someone link the video.
    You know how the rest of it goes…
    The thing there…

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