BIDEN LIED ABOUT BURISMA! – email from Burisma Contact – ‘Thanks for the opportunity to meet your father’ – IOTW Report

BIDEN LIED ABOUT BURISMA! – email from Burisma Contact – ‘Thanks for the opportunity to meet your father’

Daily Mail

‘Thanks for the opportunity to meet your father’: Secret emails between Hunter and Burisma adviser show Joe DID meet his son’s Ukraine business contacts – one year before the VP made officials fire prosecutor investigating their  company

  • Email cache raises new claims about Hunter Biden’s dealings with Ukrainian firm 
  • He apparently introduced Joe Biden to an executive at gas company Burisma
  • Biden would later pressure Ukraine to fire prosecutor investigating the firm  
  • Prosecutor was fired amid concerns which were shared by other countries 
  • Stash of files was disclosed by Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani 


ht/ woody

19 Comments on BIDEN LIED ABOUT BURISMA! – email from Burisma Contact – ‘Thanks for the opportunity to meet your father’

  1. Does none of this sound sketchy to anybody else? Especially right after the “whistleblower CIA Biden Seal Team 6 coverup” story. What’s up with that?

    The whole story of the MacBook’s provenance reeks of a setup. I hope Rudy isn’t being played here. We can be fed “bombshells” just as easily as Dems. Be careful, y’all, and keep your eyes on the ball. Sorry to be a wet rag.

  2. Well, Giuiiani took on mobsters and their lawyers I don’t think he can be fooled so easily. And all this does is confirm the info 0bama’s DOJ, State dept., and Pentagon had about Biden’s kid with the Chinese and Ukrainians.

  3. See, even when the left reports a ‘bombshell’ they still manage to get parts wrong:

    “Shokin was indeed fired in March 2016, by which time his investigation into Burisma had already been lying dormant for a time, according to reports last year. ”

    That’s not true. They never stopped investigating. They were trying to contact 0bama’s state dept. and DOJ to complain and got no response.

  4. We don’t deserve to know the truth…Joe Biden updated version of Jack Nicholson’s 1992 climactic line in “A Few Good Men.” Same evil elitist BS espoused by both characters.

  5. The nasty photographs of Humper give this story more credence than the email evidence. Just think what the Communist Chinese have on the Obiden Family. They must have lots of honey trap photos.

  6. Our local talkshow host has been reporting that there is a video of Hunter having sex and smoking crack, how is Joe going to explain that one away? 🤔

    The fake news won’t touch it, but once online good luck trying to spin the cover-up. 😁

  7. MJA, I hope you’re right. I just remember how Rudy was supposedly “under investigation” a year ago as part of that Lev Parnas bullshit which they doled out during the runup to impeachment and after the acquittal. Still not sure where that mess stands. I’m just worried that he’s been set up or entrapped somehow, and the MacBook with juicy fake emails was the honeypot. Hard to believe the computer shop would copy the HD and send it to Rudy.

    At any rate, nothing will be done before the election even if the MacBook is legit, and it will certainly be blacked out by the media if it is real. I think the way to tell if it’s fake is the exact opposite occurs and the media blares “Giuliani snared in SDNY sting” or some such thing.

  8. Miss Kitty, I am going way out on a limb and saying that we will never see that video because it does not exist. Just as the “Trump and pissing hookers” never existed

    Joe Biden is running for President, he’s losing his marbles and he might win the election. That is what really exists.

  9. MJA, I hope it’s real, but if it’s fake and part of a setup, it’ll make some people look bad and might even subject them to prosecution. Seems to me the computer shop guy put himself in legal jeopardy with his actions. I don’t know what the law is on that. Maybe they’ll come after him now.

    Also, I read that Bannon (Steve, not Race) mention the existence of this hard drive back in September. I wonder if that was before or after SDNY indicted him. Also, how long did Rudy have a copy before releasing it last Sunday? Did he have it last December when he was “under investigation”? I will have to check. Lots of weird, hinky stuff in this story. Right before the election.

  10. Thirdtwin, I’m with you, especially if Bannon is involved. I really don’t know what to make of the guy, but this here is sort of weird:

    If I recall correctly, Bannon was ejected from the Trump administration and maybe that’s the reason why. There was also that odd Michael Wolff situation where it was alleged that Wolff, in the process of writing his book “Siege: Trump Under Fire”, was said to have been given access to the White House by Bannon.

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