Biden Lies Food Prices Rise – IOTW Report

Biden Lies Food Prices Rise


President Joe Biden falsely claimed food prices are coming down after Tuesday’s inflation report revealed prices at the grocery store actually increased in January.

Delivering a Tuesday afternoon keynote address at the National Association of Counties, Biden falsely claimed inflation, including food prices, is coming down. More

11 Comments on Biden Lies Food Prices Rise

  1. The RATE of inflation is likely decreasing, considering it was so high last year. But prices continue to rise – just not quite as fast. Spin, spin, spin.
    Of course they say the same about the deficit.

  2. “There is a taint of death, a flavor or mortality in lies …”

    Lies seem to be all the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey has.

    Americans used to be familiar with the odor of bullshit – we have lost that olfactory sense.
    We are now inundated by lies – a veritable sea of lies – not just from gov’t, but from Academia, the Media, Hollyweird, Madison Ave., Wall St., the Armed Forces, local LE, and the medical “profession.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. He squints because he’s defecating on himself. The only time he isn’t is when he’s pumped full of adrenaline.

    Fucking satanic zombie destroyer of anything decent in this world. His epic lying is now rivaled by the murder of Ukrainians, and others, by the tens of thousands. So he can molest children, steal money, and preen in front of mirrors, without worry.


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