Biden Loses to the Teleprompter and Gets Ripped Apart for ‘Summit of Americas’ Debacle – IOTW Report

Biden Loses to the Teleprompter and Gets Ripped Apart for ‘Summit of Americas’ Debacle

Red State:

Joe Biden was speaking at the Summit of the Americas on Thursday.

As we’ve already noted, it hasn’t been going well. Biden stumbled up the stairs as he was boarding Air Force One for Los Angeles. Then, Biden was met by a protester rushing the motorcade who had to be subdued. Meanwhile, a lot of the countries didn’t show up because of the poor way that the Biden team dealt with the event. While objecting to the human rights violations of Cuba, Nicaragua, and Venezuela is a good thing and we should encourage that, how weak is it if we’re giving the Northern Triangle countries $1.9 billion and they can’t even show up to the event in our country? On top of that, as Obama global engagement director Brett Bruen explains, the invites went out very late and it’s not even clear what “deliverables” are supposed to be coming out of this event. He calls it a “catastrophic failure” on the part of the Biden Administration.

How badly did they handle it? Why are they only calling people a couple of weeks before? That’s just bad event planning. more

13 Comments on Biden Loses to the Teleprompter and Gets Ripped Apart for ‘Summit of Americas’ Debacle

  1. C’mon Man! This has been a great opportunity to display Dementia Joe’s special ability to handle….Mmm….Hmm… know…..the rest……foreign relationships with…… Humper’s business partners……Mmm…..Hmm….Beau died……and then his wife……you know……you….welll….

    Crooked Elections have predictable consequences.

  2. We’re all being forced to be ruled by Biden’s retarded little mind. He’s long been known as one of the, if not the, dumbest politicians this countries ever had. And now that he’s senile it’s like stupid on steroids. To make matters worse it was divulged last night that the senior advisor he trusts most is none other than Hunter. So now we have Stupid on Steroids and brain damaged from drugs guiding the path of our country. What could go wrong. And if you disagree with them, they’d just love to punish you. The revolution can’t get here fast enough.
    I’m reading Musk is in talks with OAN.

  3. Biden is so bad that even his Affirmative Action hires are quitting rather that be a part of the fail. Ironically, this may lead to a slight improvement in WH performance. But I doubt it. WestExec will probably replace them with some paunchy, white, beer-ponger retreads from the Obama administration.

  4. “How badly did they handle it? Why are they only calling people a couple of weeks before? That’s just bad event planning.”

    Come on man! I’ve spent countless hours figgering how to blame Putin for things.

    And then there’s the constant contrast with the winning under Trump and the faceplant of everything in less than two years; dodging the truth just wears a guy out!

    Add in how long it takes me to walk down the steps to hide in the Wilmington WH basement. And all those diaper changes! Hoo boy, I don’t know how I do it all!

  5. None of this is a surprise, they handle every single aspect of governing the same way.

    A committe of five year olds gathers in the WH and they decide what to do with zero input from the Pedo.

    They come up wuth a “plan” get Valarie Jarrett permission and off they go spreading choas and confusion deliberately fucking up as much as they can in order to destroy our beloved country.

    It’s all by design.

  6. Cisco Kid

    I believe that use to be the case and probably still is sometimes. But recently Biden’s had a few lucid moments and realized he has been appointed president and damn it you will respect his authority. I believe a lot of the new train wrecks you’re seeing are his and his, primarily, alone. I heard him touting his economy a couple days ago and he went right off teleprompter on a rant about how Trickle Down has never worked. Stupid Asshole. But it sounded like what was read off the Tele prompter didn’t very to much from his bull shit, with no data, rant. Plus you have all the people bailing all of a sudden. I suspect old Joe’s trying to take over.


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