Biden Makes Admission on His Age And Health – IOTW Report

Biden Makes Admission on His Age And Health

Conservative Brief: President Joe Biden made a stunning admission during a recent interview about his age, where he defended his cognitive ability.

He appeared on the MSNBC show, aptly named “The Sunday Show” where he was asked to convince host Jonathan Capehart’s aunt Gloria to vote for him considering his age.

“Well, I think Aunt Gloria should take a look, I think it’s a legitimate thing to be concerned about, anyone’s age, including mine. I think that’s totally legitimate,” the president said. more

7 Comments on Biden Makes Admission on His Age And Health

  1. His age and health are irrelevant.

    That he’s an illegally installed illegitimate presidential usurper IS.

    Not only should he not be president.

    He shouldn’t even be counted among the living.

  2. So he considers himself a “bipartisan president”, but he vowed to veto everything the republicans pass.

    I’m glad I read the transcript so I didn’t have to listen to the stuttering, stammering imbecile talk.

  3. @SNS:

    His age and health are irrelevant.

    Absolutely right. However, if banging away on his age and health might persuade some people not to vote for him, those factors can be used profitably even though otherwise irrelevant.

  4. He knows the global cabal is waiting. He could die tomorrow you know.

    His usefulness is at an end. Hopefully so is he from the natural causes of his nerosyphillis.

    SNS please be fully aware that this site has assigned monitors from all the federal Alphabets.

    We are all on the watch list so don’t give the bastards an excuse to procecute you.

    The Department of Injustice is a third world corruptacracy populated by Pinko faggots just looking for an excuse.

    They will be emasculated on Nov 8 so Garland and his merry band of commies can then join the tranny brigades.

  5. He not only has dementia, he is also demented.

    Proof: the picture yesterday of him sniffing the back end of a little boy.

    He’s “progressed” from sniffing girl’s bicycle seats to sniffing little boys.

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