Biden Makes Blatant Racist Remark – Let’s See What the Media Does – IOTW Report

Biden Makes Blatant Racist Remark – Let’s See What the Media Does

Biden says ‘you ain’t black’ if torn between him and Trump, in dustup with Charlamagne tha God.

Black people, if they’re “really” black, only think monolithically. This is what Biden thinks. This is blatantly racist.


Joe Biden faced a swift backlash on Friday for suggesting during a contentious radio interview with host Charlamagne tha God that those having a hard time “figuring out” whether to support him or President Trump “ain’t black.”

The dustup occurred 17 minutes into the former vice president‘s interview on “The Breakfast Club” – a nationally broadcast morning talk show popular with black listeners – when a Biden aide tried to end the interview, prompting the host to charge, “You can’t do that to black media.”

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee stressed that his wife had an upcoming engagement, and suggested he would have to go whether dealing with “white media” or “black media.”

ht/ grool

24 Comments on Biden Makes Blatant Racist Remark – Let’s See What the Media Does

  1. …Biden makes racist remarks, obvious pandering, and assumes stereotypical speech patterns all the time with Black people, so we already KNOW what the media will do.

    Call Trump a rascist for misdirction.

  2. Like the evil guy in Lethal Weapon II. He’s got Democratic Immunity. Maybe the CNBC writer knows something: ‘apparent’

  3. …democrats are all-day racists anyway, look at this remark from revered Civil Rights icon, personal freind of Republican Martin Luther King, and elder spokesman for the Black Race, the “Reverend” Joe Lowerey…

    “The Rev. Joseph Lowery spoke at a rally Saturday in Georgia. According to an account in the Monroe County Reporter, “Lowery said that when he was a young militant, he used to say all white folks were going to hell. Then he mellowed and just said most of them were.

    “Now, he said, he is back to where he was,” according to the newspaper.

    “I don’t know what kind of a n—– wouldn’t vote with a black man running,” he also told the audience in the St. James Baptist Church in Forsyth, Ga., according to the paper.”

    …if it ain’t racist, it ain’t Democrat, now back to the plantation before I…I mean they, put Y’all back in CHAYYYNZZ…*gbfOLs7WyXZyYKirFjgV-g.jpeg

  4. There is so much to unpack here. His go to logic is just don’t vote for me if you disagree with me (pick a topic) so it’s not to much of a mental stretch for him to equate nonsupport with being nonblack. He is just that moronic.

    He is just absolutely pathologically the most stupid man to ever seek the Presidency. To think a white person can define the parameters of blackness is as ignorant as any race having an opinion on the qualifications for another race.

    This one has legs I think, and will challenge the approach of half black Commiellie Harris and black super model Stacy in their lust for the VP spot.

    This may be the straw that broke the camels back and force this babbling buffoon out of the game. It was blacks who saved his ass in SC and his obvious and overt racism being exposed may have finally done the trick this time.

    Can you imagine the panic at Biden Central, they bravely tried to crash out of the disaster and just ended up offending blacks even more.

    They had the ole “Jill Biden gotta go” excuse primed up anyway but to deploy it immediately after his racist statement just multiplied the perception. The host was outraged.

    The percentage of blacks supporting PDJT just went up another 10% and they can’t fix it, cause Pedo Joe just doesn’t care.

    More proof his candidacy has always been a sham, Hillezibub may pull the trigger sooner now.

  5. Well, at least we now know that an old white guy can be an authority on what it means to be black as long as he’s rich and politically-connected and has a (D) after his name.

  6. I’m willing to bet you’ll never see or hear anything about this on the lame stream media. Nor will you hear anything from Willy Brown’s Ho, or the Fat Sumo Wrestler from GA.

  7. Joe biden could light a cross on fire in his front yard and post the video proudly on YouTube, and blacks will still vote for him. (Multiple times) Because he has a “d” next to his name, and that’s all that matters…as long as they continue to get free housing, free food, free money, express lane jail time, they will happily stay in their shithole ghettos and vote dem like LBJ predicted. And in all honesty…that is just plain sad.

  8. Blacks are only useful to Democrats if/when they are doing the Democrat’s bidding. If not they are punished… severely and without any remorse.

    Just cotton by another name, when a Democrat says pick you better pick, when a Democrat says they know what is best for “their niggers“ today It is no different than what they have always said and we have their own written words documenting their philosophy on that front.


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