Biden, Mark Kelly (D-AZ) Worked With Intel Firm Hired To Smear Harvey Weinstein Accuser – IOTW Report

Biden, Mark Kelly (D-AZ) Worked With Intel Firm Hired To Smear Harvey Weinstein Accuser

WFB: The campaigns for President Joe Biden and Sen. Mark Kelly (D., Ariz.) hired the private intelligence firm that Harvey Weinstein’s legal team tapped to investigate and smear a woman who accused the disgraced Hollywood mogul of sexual assault.

Biden’s campaign paid $7,728 to K2 Intelligence in November and December, according to Federal Election Commission records. Kelly’s campaign paid K2 more than $314,000 for “security” in four installments from December to March of this year, the records show.

The Kelly campaign told the Washington Free Beacon that it hired K2 to provide security for Kelly and his wife, former representative Gabby Giffords (D., Ariz.), but that it no longer employs the firm and “does not go into detail” regarding the couple’s “physical security.”

It is not clear from the filings what services K2 provided Biden, but the payments could provide fodder to Republicans given the firm’s controversial work for Weinstein. Kelly, a former astronaut, faces reelection next year. Organizations like the New York Times have cut ties with lawyers who worked for Weinstein to smear his victims. The paper terminated its relationship with Weinstein lawyer and top Democratic lawyer David Boies in November 2017 following revelations that he hired another company, Black Cube, to spy on Weinstein accusers.

Weinstein’s legal team hired K2 to dig up dirt on Ambra Battilana Gutierrez, an Italian model who said that Weinstein sexually assaulted her in 2015. According to the New Yorker, Weinstein’s lawyers also tasked K2 with ensuring that Manhattan district attorney Cy Vance (D.) did not press charges against Weinstein. The New Yorker also reported that K2 gave Vance’s office information that Gutierrez had worked in the past as a prostitute. Prosecutors confronted Gutierrez with the information, according to the report. The lawyer who oversaw K2’s work for Weinstein, Elkan Abramowitz, contributed $6,600 to Biden’s campaign and a pro-Biden political committee, election filings show. read more

7 Comments on Biden, Mark Kelly (D-AZ) Worked With Intel Firm Hired To Smear Harvey Weinstein Accuser

  1. Off topic:
    Rep. Markwayne Mullin says he knows who shot Ashli Babbitt and that he hug him and told him he did what he had to do.
    The little POS is also saying it’s unconstitutional to audit elections.

    Yeah, his last two primaries should be audited. It sure didn’t take that little weasel long to fit in with the swamp in DC. Actually it took exactly about 18 months.

    Funny stuff, he owned a small plumbing company that soon became a huge plumbing/mechanical/electrical company. He went from a regular small business owner just trying to make payroll to a multi-millionaire in no time.


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