Biden Meeting COMPROMISED – Massive Leak Reported! – IOTW Report

Biden Meeting COMPROMISED – Massive Leak Reported!

Just The News-

As President Biden prepares to visit Israel and Saudi Arabia next week, experts and former officials are warning that an often-overlooked issue risks undermining efforts to increase cooperation among U.S. allies in the Middle East.

That issue is anonymous U.S. officials consistently leaking information to the media about alleged covert Israeli operations against Iran, from targeted killings to explosions at nuclear sites.

“It’s a sign of extraordinary incompetence and unprofessionalism from Biden and his foreign policy team,” said Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst who also served as a senior staffer on both the House Intelligence Committee and the National Security Council. “It’s outrageous they would leak this kind of information.”

Unnamed officials recently told CNN that Israel has ramped up its covert attacks in Iran and is largely keeping the U.S. in the dark.

A month earlier, an American intelligence official leaked to the New York Times that Israel told Washington it was behind the assassination of top officer in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), an Iranian military force and a U.S.-designated terrorist organization.


12 Comments on Biden Meeting COMPROMISED – Massive Leak Reported!

  1. WE see London, we see France, we see joey’s poopy and pee-soaked underpants. In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, “Ain’t he a stinker.” Both literally and figuratively. I don’t forsee anything good coming out of joey’s trip to Israel and Saudi Arabia next week. Lord, keep joey safe, the last thing that we and the world need is for joey to get himself into serious trouble on this trip.

  2. I can predict what is going to happen. SloJoe will piss off the Israeli with a stupid request or comment. Then he will do something foolish and disrespectful to the Saudi’s.

  3. Israel is largely keeping the U.S. in the dark for good reason!
    If they confided in us Jackass Joe would be blabber-mouthing and bragging about it to the world!

    BTW – It is also a good bet for why Jackass Joe never got to go to Pedo Island!
    They didn’t want the damn fool blabber-mouthing it to everyone he knew!

  4. Like Hillary’s e-mails, telling Americans who’s doing what, makes them not who we are(!).

    The People’s Business. We’re a ReeEEeepublic! Adult’s in the room!

    Hey! Let’s vote on it. (But let’s never look at what’s, really, going on.)

  5. Massive leak, hey man theres shit with gray lumps dripping outta your ears? I went to rally last week, I think it was something I drank there, they told me it would help me with the transformation into a true believer.

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