Biden National Security Advisor May Be Guilty of Perjury Related to Clinton Campaign’s ‘Collusion’ Claims Against Trump: Report – IOTW Report

Biden National Security Advisor May Be Guilty of Perjury Related to Clinton Campaign’s ‘Collusion’ Claims Against Trump: Report

Western Journal-

The penalty for lying to Congress is up to five years in prison.

And, according to a recent report, President Joe Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan was guilty of as much in December 2017.

This revelation came out thanks to the indictment of Michael A. Sussmann, a partner at the law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

As The Washington Post reported, special counsel John Durham indicted Sussmann on the charge of making false statements to the FBI regarding the motives of his clients when they planted the rumor that the Trump campaign had a secret server it was using to communicate with Russia’s Alfa Bank.

These claims were later investigated as part of the long-running Trump-Russia investigation that ended with the ruling that there had been no collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. read more

18 Comments on Biden National Security Advisor May Be Guilty of Perjury Related to Clinton Campaign’s ‘Collusion’ Claims Against Trump: Report

  1. Look at that punk ass face. What is he, 14 years old. This is the biggest problem with the Democrat party. It’s made up of yuppy pukes with NO practical experience and no common sense.

  2. Has anybody kept a list of all the perjury headlines over the last 10 years? Unless the person’s just an ordinary citizen, nothing ever happens and it just slowly fades away.

  3. He’s got an extremely weak and punchable face. If he goes to prison, he’s going to be somebody’s bitch, or maybe a lot of somebodies bitch.

    They’ll tear him a new asshole.

  4. You know that scene at the beginning of “Goodfellahs” where the Mob is waiting outside the prison to welcome back the kid who got sentenced for selling untaxed cigarettes given him by the Mob and they gave him gifts and prestige because he didn’t rat anyone else out, making it kind of a rite of passage because now they knew they could trust him to clam up?

    To Democrats, perjury is like that…

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