Biden Nods Off During Meeting – IOTW Report

Biden Nods Off During Meeting

Could be altered footage. But don’t know for sure.

I say he is out of it.

29 Comments on Biden Nods Off During Meeting

  1. Our once allies are disgusted with us, our enemies are laughing at us, everyone knows the election was stolen, and there is no legal authority that will do a damn thing about it!

  2. I am embarrassed by the ineptness of the ‘Republican Party’ AND distraught by the brazen, in-your-face arrogance of the liberal ass-wipes that wield unchallenged power over America.

    Ooooohhhh, the right leader could easily hold untold civilian power in this country……

  3. Wynken, Blynken, and Nod have come to life with Noddy Joe. Will no one rid us of the incompetent, incontinent imbecile? It doesn’t really take a village to relieve us of the village idiot, does it?

  4. The old fraud caught “Twilighting” in the middle of a meeting. Sleepy Joe – what President Trump calls him, is completely demented.
    Sounded like even his dog Major in the background was trying to wake the fool up.

  5. The dude speaking to him knows old Gropin’ Joe is sleeping. He gives up even trying to act like he is speaking to the senile old fool at the 9 second mark and turns to address the press directly rather than the doddering dementia patient.


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