Biden Now Wants To Arm Taiwan Using Ukraine Budget – IOTW Report

Biden Now Wants To Arm Taiwan Using Ukraine Budget


In a bombshell new report, Financial Times has revealed that President Biden plans to formally ask Congress to use funds to arm Taiwan utilizing the supplemental budge for Ukraine

The report states that the White House’s Office of Management and Budget “will include funding for Taiwan in the supplemental request as part of an effort to accelerate the provision of weapons, according to two people familiar with the plan.”

If approved by Congress, this would be a major milestone in Washington’s bolstering Taiwan’s defense, given the self-ruled island would for the first time ever receive American arms through what’s called “foreign military financing.” more

27 Comments on Biden Now Wants To Arm Taiwan Using Ukraine Budget

  1. …althogh it is kind of amusing in a black sort of way that he’s arming China against China using money borrowed from the Chinese to purchase things that are partly or wholly made in China;
    , being a Chinese tool himself…

  2. Let’s recap, China, Russia and Iran enter a World War with US, Great Britain and Israel.

    Sound familiar? It’s called Armageddon, what better time than when a pudding brained pedophile is in ” charge”.

    You think they want to face PDJT? My goodness peace might breakout worldwide…

    Globalist war machine can’t have that. They will kill us all before they let PDJT take office.

    Get right with God, there is little time remaining.

  3. Hannah Banana AT 9:15 AM
    “Why does creepy Joe want a World War?”

    …the rich and powerful will also be the best protected and supplied, baving underground bunkers, tons of provisions, independent power generation, arsenals of every kind of weapon and fanatical troops to weild them. They expect to be able to emerge from their bunkers with all but a carefully culled and completely servile selection of peasants eliminated, and that they can then start with a barren world that they can finally play the role of god over just like they think themselves to be.

    Nuclear war is death for us, but little more than an inconvenience for them.

    Or so they think…

  4. Biden doesn’t know if he’s afoot or on horse back, and hasn’t for half a decade. “Biden” wants…

    Here is what EVERYONE in the pundit class is “missing:”. The party = “Biden” = The Party.

    Biden is a convenient figure head for “Biden” or ICYMI, The Party. The Party’s interests are exactly in line with whatever “Biden” is selling. The Party’s propaganda wing puts this shit out via “Biden” and it is always and never varies from The Party agenda. Academia, Big Pharma, Big Media, Big Tech, the filth that has infiltrated and seized leadership over The Church etc on down the line. It is always in direct opposition to the American people’s interests.

    This is a stone cold natural fact and so transparent that it is farcical at this point that it cannot be missed.

  5. What is also apparent is the Republican establishment roll in perpetuating this fiasco. Fake them out by feigning opposition, while moving The Party agenda forward and/or providing cover.

  6. …bear in mind that, while each of those groups is united in their hatred of us, it is a marriage of convenience and each has their own motives and beliefs.

    The Communists think to use Islamic fascist against us, then eliminate them once they have served their purpose. They originally wanted to preserve the best of human engineered devices and structures for themselves but because they are elderly and want to be absolute rulers in their lifetime they became frustrated with the slow pace and uncertainty of biological weapons and scattershot terrorism and so now consider the time ripe to rid themselves of all who oppose them in the blinding flash of nuclear annihilation.

    The Iranians are typically Muslims of the more fanatical Shi’ite sort, many of whom have been raised with ‘Twelver’ indoctrination, which is that the 12th Iman will only appear to create a pure Islamic earth if they prepare the ground with enough bloodshed and destruction before him. It is a death cult that fully believes in martyrdom, so the fact they will likely die too means nothing to them.

    As for the Chinese, they have the worst features of Communism and a ridiculously huge population, with a nearly as ridiculously huge population next door. They would certainly not mind if everyone in India died along with much of the population THEY are burdened with, but also know that, statistically speaking, they are the most likely to emerge with the somewhat mutated numbers to dominate whatever is left of a post nuclear world, the deaths of hundreds of millions of their own people notwithstanding.

    And their ain’t no racist like a Chinese racist. Despite the huge population they are still mostly ethnically Han, and despise the gweilos in the rest of the world and desire only our deaths even as they use us against each other with an inscrutable smile. They know too that, as in the past, most of the ferocity of the Western nations will be directed at each other, and since they have plenty of cannon fodder they can ride out an initial nuclear exchange between, say, the US and Russia, unleashing their own arsenal only once ours is expended and we’ve fratricidally destroyed most of each other’s warning and defence and retaliatory capabilities.

    …there are others, but this is enough to maje the point that there’s no shortage of powerful people who would be more than content to kill the rest of us.

    And many of them are also clinically insane, as you may have noticed watching any of the Democrat “leadership” lately. They are psychopathic reprobates that have stripped themselves of all humanity, all empathy, any compassion or consience, and simply delight in the notion of a Rome swollen from sea to sh8ning sea set alight by their own hand, transported in raptures of narcissistic glee that the world that defied their absolute rule will not survive them, which salves their own certain knowledge of their impending death by the hand of Time that has imprisoned them in houses of already decaying flesh and failing blood.

    …some men not only want to WATCH the world burn,

    They want to set it alight so it cannot survive them.

  7. Too bad voters don’t have any elected official in Washington watching over our over taxed dollars vaporize in to thin air. Some have the illusion someone is, but that’s based on propaganda televised on MSM 24/7 as directed by the White House phantoms.

  8. We will protect Taiwan. The same people would be crying WWW3 if nothing was done. Useless idiots who would sacrifice their own country for a lying POS. Well the/America’s biggest loser will be facing the music very very soon. No plan for the/a future beyond a wannabe dictator. Who is unacceptable to the rest of America. Plan B? I thought so.

  9. “We will protect Taiwan. The same people would be crying WWW3 if nothing was done.”

    Stupid stupid Troll. It has nothing to do with protecting Taiwan. It has to do with the lack of accountability on where are tax dollars are going. And further more if Trump were still in office, and if the American people weren’t suffering through the brain dead administration, we wouldn’t be facing WWW III because they knew Trump would kick their asses. Nobodies afraid of Captain Brain Dead.

  10. Donny will soon be answering for his crimes against America, dipstick. You sadly underestimate REAL America/Americans. Poor poor loser. Bankruptcy Donny needs your money for his “Keep My Sorry Ass Out of Prison Campaign”.


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