Biden OCC Nominee Says Out Loud What the Right Knows – They Are Wrecking the Country on Purpose – IOTW Report

Biden OCC Nominee Says Out Loud What the Right Knows – They Are Wrecking the Country on Purpose

If energy costs go up, EVERYTHING goes up. Everyone knows that. But the left does not care, they have an agenda, and that agenda is a left-wing controlled “Utopia” risen from the ashes of the Dystopia they create.

They care about blacks and minorities and the marginalized??? PFFFFFFFT. Their policies are racist, in that, the hardest hit are always minorities first. Who gets impacted, first, by 5 dollars a gallon gas?

ht/ illustr8r

20 Comments on Biden OCC Nominee Says Out Loud What the Right Knows – They Are Wrecking the Country on Purpose

  1. Obama said years ago that he wanted to see gas in the $8 – $10 range. Nobody pushed back on what that meant for everyday life, jobs etc.

    Will anyone in Congress or the media ask this Marxist graduate of KGB University why she came to the USA and how her policies will benefit average people in their daily lives?

  2. …Aaaaaaannnnnd when they go bankrupt, the Chinese will step in and buy up our energy resources for pennies on the dollar. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
    If there is energy in the ground, someone will dig it up and use it!
    If it is in OUR ground it damn well better be US!

    These so-called “leaders” need to be arrested!

  3. I passionately await the REAL climate change.
    It will be an absolute change from passivity to a righteous RAGE. And I believe it will be unappeaseable until this shit is cleared away.

  4. Fuck me Kate, they have published their agenda and the steps they need to take to achieve their goal. No one can legitimately claim to be in the dark or even questioning what is going on. Willful ignorance is not a defense, anyone who concedes good intentions to these subhuman pieces of shit is complicit at this point. Claiming to not know is evidence of complicity, it does not provide absolution. The history of the progressive movement, what and who it has supported for over a century and the fact that whenever they have been able to achieve critical mass, gain power and implement their agenda… massive increases in innocent human suffering, misery and death is always and without exception the eventual result.

    ANYONE WHO CONCEDES GOOD INTENTIONS to followers of the progressive movement at this stage IS COMPLICIT AND A WILLING TOOL OF SATAN.

  5. Chances of this cunt being a CCP agent are 99.999%.

    There are three kinds of democrats now:

    – Utopian ideologues who are so fucking stupid that they think you have to completely destroy the country to “build back better”. Zero evidence that this is the way to improve any existing society.

    – Grifter scumbags who plan to loot the country during the “rebuilding” stage.

    – Anarchist motherfuckers who just want to see it all burn.

    The first group is too goddamn stupid to change a fucking tire, much less rebuild the civilization they just destroyed.

    The last two groups couldn’t possibly give a fuck less about rebuilding anything.

  6. Yes, but the road to hell is paved with joey’s and the democraps good intentions. And there are far too many fools who actually believe and rely on all the democraps bs. LBJ’s Great Society malarkey we’re still paying for 60 + years later and that was supposed to end poverty in America. BULLSHIT!

  7. James Lindsay explains the left and their origins quite well in his New Discourses talks. The Left is out to create their prized utopia by tearing down everything that has existed beforehand. They must be stopped by any means necessary.

  8. The evil side of me wants to see the commies & their supporters get exactly what they want. Then when the shit truly hits the fan, there will be much wailing & gnashing of teeth. They will all be crying to the people that they put in power, saying “we didn’t want this”. The oppressors will simply stand on their necks harder, finally telling them the truth. They were nothing more than useful idiot’s. The good side of me is scared, because we will all be in the same boat.

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