Biden officials surprised and ‘exasperated’ to find that Border Patrol agents aren’t applauding them – IOTW Report

Biden officials surprised and ‘exasperated’ to find that Border Patrol agents aren’t applauding them

American Thinker:

By Monica Showalter

After demonizing Border Patrol agents and nullifying legal border enforcement as a profession, Biden officials were surprised and ‘exasperated’ to find that Border Patrol agents weren’t applauding them.

That was what Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Border Patrol chief Raul Ortiz found when they decided to visit Border Patrol stations in Laredo, Texas, and Yuma, Arizona, supposedly to take the temperature of the troops at the sharp end of the mighty border surges.

Videos leaked out of the meetings and they did not go well. more

16 Comments on Biden officials surprised and ‘exasperated’ to find that Border Patrol agents aren’t applauding them

  1. It must be a real bummer to be a total ASSHOLE and not understand why the majority of the people don’t like you.

    You’d have to be a liberal to be so damn stupid.

  2. If I try to freely walk into the White House, Pelosi’s house of ice cream, AOC’s condo, a KneeL Young concert, Canada, Mexico, etc…I will either get detained, beaten, arrested, and/or shot.

    If some killer from Honduras, and trust me, many of them are, walks into the USA unmolested, he will be given gift cards and shuttled to a dozen cities across the country.

    Sorry, but we don’t need to hang the Honduran, we need to hang the MOTHERFUCKERS WHO ALLOW THIS BULLSHIT!

  3. For the agents to feel frustration to the degree of arguing with the Chief of the BP in a setting whose audience included outsiders (Mayorkas) is a testament to just how bad it really is. Things are bad in the Patrol.

  4. The sinister team of Fauci-Biden have every intention of using those illegal kids as experiments and test subjects for unapproved and toxic drugs just as Fauci did in the 1980s with blak and hispanic orphans—then murdered them and buried them all in Westchester, NY. Not surprising that the child-seks trafficker/child molester Biden has shipped multitudes of illegal kids to Westchester (et al) recently and in the dark of night. It’s one main reason why the vile race-hayter allowed in illegal adults in order to grab the kids for his and Fauci’s sadistic “medical” table.

  5. Standing there wearing face-diapers and can’t figure out why they’re being abused?
    You guys have already submitted.
    You guys have already surrendered.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. It’s the Fundamental Transformation of America continuing at full throttle. In three more years we won’t recognize large parts of our country. It took Adolf Hitler eleven years to make large parts of Germany unrecognizable.

  7. Mayorkis is a liar.
    They are not doing what they can to get more resources and personnel.
    Mr. Beachmom was the Cost Estimator on the new processing facility in Yuma.
    It was a good, efficient design. Integrated with the wall.
    They would bring them in, take their clothes and give them temporary clothing. Launder their clothes. There was a large area for putting them in the system, fingerprinting the illegals and taking dna. They would be fed, get showered, have a place to sleep overnight and sent back to Mexico in their clean clothes the next day. There was even a playground for kids. And cameras everywhere.

    It was cancelled by the Biden administration.

    They are in fact taking resources away to purposely make the job of Border Patrol more difficult.

  8. “… Fauci-Biden have every intention of using those illegal kids …”

    If the mini-Mengele (Fauxi) wants to experiment on illegals, I don’t much GAF.
    If Biden wants to fuck illegal toddlers, again, I don’t much GAF.
    It’s WRONG, of course – a SIN and a CRIME – but the Deep State Rats are committing much worse sins and crimes. Maybe not individually worse, but in terms of scope, certainly greater or more widespread.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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