Biden on Hot Mic in Poland Asks If “Anyone Buys That Bull$hit” – IOTW Report

Biden on Hot Mic in Poland Asks If “Anyone Buys That Bull$hit”

17 Comments on Biden on Hot Mic in Poland Asks If “Anyone Buys That Bull$hit”

  1. It takes one to know one, everything about joey is pure unadulterated bullshit. And the Baptists in Oklahoma wouldn’t let Steve Largent to become Governor because he once said bullshit in public. Joey’s got a potty mouth. Quick, get out the Lifebuoy and wash his mouth out with soap.

  2. I don’t believe in Alien Spaceships visiting Earth.
    IF they existed, we would already be jammed into High Density Feed Lots to be served with Linguine or Cocktail Sauce.

  3. The wife had the TV on this morning when his hymanness came on to interrupt programming. Of course she shut it off and I’m wondering if any of you would like to translate or interpret his “scripted remarks?”

    We had hoped that perhaps he had stroked out and that was going to be the announcement, but no such luck.


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