Biden Opens First Camp To Hold Illegal Migrant Children (In Cages) – IOTW Report

Biden Opens First Camp To Hold Illegal Migrant Children (In Cages)

Fox News

The Washington Post raised eyebrows on Monday night for a report on the first newly opened “migrant facility for children” under President Biden, which critics compared to the “kids in cages” mantra that was pushed during the Trump administration. 

“Dozens of migrant teens boarded vans Monday for the trip down a dusty road to a former man camp for oil field workers here, the first migrant child facility opened under the Biden administration,” the Post reported from Carrizo Springs, Texas. “The emergency facility — a vestige of the Trump administration that was open for only a month in summer 2019 — is being reactivated to hold up to 700 children ages 13 to 17.” More

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