Biden Overtakes The President in Pennsylvania by Securing Nearly 90% of the Vote Count Since Election Night Pause – IOTW Report

Biden Overtakes The President in Pennsylvania by Securing Nearly 90% of the Vote Count Since Election Night Pause

22 Comments on Biden Overtakes The President in Pennsylvania by Securing Nearly 90% of the Vote Count Since Election Night Pause

  1. The ONLY way to crack this is to offer a HUGE multi million dollar reward for whoever provides irrefutable evidence of a conspiracy across multiple states, multiple government entities, WITHIN THE NEXT WEEK.
    – In other words, get a Democrat to rat out their corrupt party.

  2. The color revolution is well on its way to completion. Fox News will lead the charge in declaring Biden the president-elect, thus setting up the Trump campaign as attempting a coup by contesting the “results”

  3. Again, they said they were going to do this. Why is anyone acting surprised? What, you didn’t believe them? They committed treason, and you think a little election cheating is going to bother them? Don’t you get it? They have to have a Dem President so that the INFORMATION doesn’t get out. It’s like deep throat said on X-files. “The only thing that they fear is exposure.”

  4. If you live in a state with any Republican representatives you need to call them. You need to get your friends to call them. And keep calling them. This typical spineless GOP/RINO crap needs to end. They can fight like hell to get elected but they can’t fight for us. I just voted for Tom McClintock who won. Crickets. I’m passing out his number to every one I know.

  5. Also, every conservative needs to get the fuck off twitter, face book, instagram, and stop using Google, and stop watching YouTube. Today. If their traffic drops 40% so does their revenue. A message needs to be sent.

  6. I called Susan Collins. I pointed out to her that she just fought a campaign that used fraud and lies against her so if anyone should be speaking out in support of POTUS, it is her.
    She’ll probably send me an email saying some load of crap.

  7. There should never be a pause in the counting. A pause is a device used by the corrupt to assess how many extralegal votes are needed, plus a margin of safety, to steal an election.

  8. I can’t decide if they are this stupid but always get away with it; freaking out bc they were so far behind and are getting something out of it; or trying to get Republican legislators and/or Supreme Court to make the decision. Either way you get all sides mad, Divided, victims of voter suppression and ready to take arms. Any option provided chaos for them to grab power. Can’t you Hillary now? “We came, we saw, he lost”

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