Biden Pick For District Judge Can’t Answer a Simple Law Question – IOTW Report

Biden Pick For District Judge Can’t Answer a Simple Law Question

Without looking up I will take a stab-

An injunction is what happens when you’re accused of something and you haven’t been tried in court. An example would be that you are accused of using a song for your campaign and the artist doesn’t want you to use it. So an injunction is put in place. If you lose the trial, but appeal, a stay is executed.

I might be way off, but I’m not up for a judgeship.

28 Comments on Biden Pick For District Judge Can’t Answer a Simple Law Question

  1. I’ve always thought of it as a “Stay” stops something that is happening. An “Injunction” prevents something from starting. Both are sorted out in court. But I am not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV. A judge candidate should know this in her sleep. But when you pick candidates based on sex, skin, and ideology, you don’t get the best people.

  2. A stay order prevents the decision on a case that has been decided from being implemented an injunction is used while a case is still being decided. Maybe, but that is my understanding.

  3. An injunction is a court order requiring a person to do or stop doing a specific shit.

    A stay order halts a case in it’s tracks. Could be for multiple reasons. Usually new evidence

  4. “and also say whether this was an easy question or not”

    One stops the process. One stops the actions of one of the parties.

    Seems to me that would be like Lawyer 101. But what do I know. I make shit.

  5. An injunction is a final court order either prohibiting someone from doing something or mandating that they do something. (JD Hasty and Brad were right on point). An order prohibiting someone from doing something prior to a final judgment is usually called a temporary restraining order or a temporary injunction, which can then turn into a formal and final injunction if the case is won.

    A stay is a court order prohibiting the enforcement of another court order until something is determined. As an example, suppose a court orders someone to remove a garage because it violates a municipal ordinance or is actually on someone else’s land – that is a “mandatory” injunction because someone is required to do something. However, in some states (eg. California), an appeal of a mandatory injunctive order “stays” enforcement of that injunction; the garage is allowed to remain pending the appeal and the mandatory injunction requiring the garage’s removal cannot be enforced until the appeal is determined.

    Different states have different terms and procedures (for example, some injunctive orders are sometimes called plenary orders). But those are the basic concepts.

    Everyone who has read this now owes me $50 because I have a reputation to maintain and because charging for explaining these terms is also a basic concept for lawyers. (For the record…just kidding).

  6. That Brad…always mentioning that he does something productive for society instead of sitting in an office causing trouble for others for fun and profit.

  7. Ya know I had an attorney tell me one day after I’d asked. why in the hell are you guys so wordy ever think of bulletizing, that the reason the Law Profession likes to kill trees is because in the very early days they use to get paid by the word and they just haven’t ever changed.

  8. “That Brad…always mentioning that he does something productive for society instead of sitting in an office causing trouble for others for fun and profit.”

    Easy big boy. You think a lot more of legal types when you need them. LOL

  9. ain’t no lawyer, but I do know the concept of billable hours

    …. the stretching out of a ‘yes’, or ‘no’ into something that is 25,000 words long and circles around the drain of sanity until it becomes $50,000.00+ a case.

    & you wonder why a simple neighborly dispute can last for decades?
    … go talk to the Hatfields & the McCoys … or anyone else that has been sucked into our ‘legal system’ of legal graft. (if your lawyer knows the judge better than opponent’s lawyer, you win)

    … even the British legal system is more legitimate than ours … for now, tomorrow … dum da dudda dump dump, My Sharia!

    p.s. sorry Wyatt. advise freely given, without an agreed upon arrangement of recompense, is just that …. free … but, thanks

  10. BFH – Just ask any first year law student (that isn’t an Affirmative Action selection)

    Even tho the Supreme Court’s Affirmative Action Ban says race is no longer a factor that can be intentionally considered in the college admissions process, we all know what’s going on…

  11. The simple question is what demographics does she represent?
    Her name implies biological female, but is she “evolving”, is she a POC, is she a brazen America-hating shrew….?

    How many boxes get ticked reveals how certain her ascension to the bench.

  12. … when you coulda been a brain surgeon like Jackass Joe!

    Joe Scarborough Thanks God That ‘Brain Surgeon’ Biden Is President

    BTW – I thank doctors like I thank Vets. Thank you for your service OSLER!

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