Biden plagiarizes and butchers Canadian politician’s dying words – IOTW Report

Biden plagiarizes and butchers Canadian politician’s dying words

PostMillennial –

Left-wing Canadian activists took to social media to claim that Joe Biden’s DNC acceptance speech had been plagiarized.

Judge for yourself. Biden’s words were: “For love is more powerful than hate. Hope is more powerful than fear. And light is more powerful than dark.”

In his goodbye letter just before his death, Layton wrote the following: “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.”


11 Comments on Biden plagiarizes and butchers Canadian politician’s dying words

  1. close … actually, you can probably find the same platitudes verbal diarrhea in practically every self-help book written in the last 50 years

    as in … light might be more powerful than dark, but it’s darker in the basement!

  2. Joe Biden. An also ran. An asterisk guy.

    Stupid is more powerful than knowledge.
    Democrat is more important than America.
    Ideology is more pungent than Joe Biden’s slippers.

    Quite honestly, what in the fuck are we talking about?

    An orgasm is not nearly as satisfying as my once a week bowel movement.

    Tell us joe. Why are you in this race?

  3. Joes gifted writing placed him near the bottom of his law school. His list of accomplishments during 47 years of service do not exist. It is past. time to remove this parasite from the public tit.

  4. And heres a quote from Martin Luther King jr from 1957;

    “Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.”

  5. Jack Layton: NDP Party – much more left than Turdo Liberals

    1) Got caught naked getting a massage,by the police,during a raid at an Asian “happy ending” type of massage parlour because he had a sore back & did not know it was one of those type places. Latter married an Asian woman as wife #2.

    2) Environmentalist that used to get his driver to drop him off around the corner, take out his bike, and ride the last few blocks to “Work” at Toronto City Hall for the barking media seals.

    3) Lived in the penthouse of “affordable social housing” to be near his constituents but claims to have paid “fair value” rent. Cough Cough. I wonder how he got to the top of that occupant list considering there are wait lists of up to 10 years.

    4) His father WAS A CONSERVATIVE but little white poverty pimp did not have any real skills so he found a niche.

    I could go on…

    verifiable from many news sites: Toronto Star, Sun, National Post, Globe & Mail…

  6. I agree with KCIR – I lived in Toronto from 1977 to 2001, when I escaped/returned to Western Canada. Jack Layton and his wife, Olivia Chow were grifters – not as world class as Handbag Harry and the Duchess, but still managed to drive Toronto from a decent city to a third world shithole.


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