Biden Plagiarizes Himself – Recycles Old DNC Speech – IOTW Report

Biden Plagiarizes Himself – Recycles Old DNC Speech

ht/ hw

9 Comments on Biden Plagiarizes Himself – Recycles Old DNC Speech

  1. Stop bickering

    He didn’t write it

    You know damn well he’s


    of writing anything

    coherent or logical.

    He should just sit on his
    rocking chair on his front porch
    smiling and talking to himself
    waving at passers-by
    while he waits to die

  2. vegas is smokey? I’m in the Black Hills and the sun cant burn through the haze, its 97 degrees and humid as heck and the sun was BRIGHT RED at sunset last night and i mean blazing red .. . I’ve never seen that before.


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