Biden Poking Voter in the Chest – IOTW Report

Biden Poking Voter in the Chest

Biden can’t even learn to refrain from crap he’s been told doesn’t poll well – like sniffing children, being belligerent and getting in people’s personal spaces – how can one expect that he has learned anything else?

22 Comments on Biden Poking Voter in the Chest

  1. Biden running was necessary for the dems Impeachment articles. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, I think I remember him saying that. yeah, talk about a big mouth.

    Once President Trump wins(yet again) he’s toast.

  2. What a fking coward.
    Bully boy Joe is surrounded by SSA, or he would have been on the ground for more than one occasion of jabbing a guy in the chest. There was always some guy in high school who would sucker punch someone in clear view of a staff member securing his safety… for the time being. One of them threw a punch at my by big brother when one of his arms was in a sling due to a broken collarbone. A world pussy Joey!

  3. @meh-you’re crazy if you think Biden is going to get the nod. He’s dropping like a rock. TPTB know full well Trump would go Full Metal Jacket on him. On top of all of the baggage he’s got, the dude simply ain’t got the energy. Laughing his way through the debates like he did with Ryan is a total non starter.

    It’s going to be either Bloomberg or Sanders.


  4. Duuuuude- not only is he violently poking that guy in the chest- repeatedly with each punctuation- the guy he’s tapping at is BLACK.

    Biden ought to be toast for this (but I know that he won’t be).


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