Biden Puts the “B” into Bribery – IOTW Report

Biden Puts the “B” into Bribery

Just the News

House and Senate GOP investigators said Wednesday they have learned the FBI possesses a document alleging a pay-to-play bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden and have subpoenaed it in an explosive new twist in their long running corruption probe of the first family.

Senate Budget Committee ranking member and long-time whistleblower advocate Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) said they learned of the document, known as FD-1023, from a whistleblower. More

To quote Sundance on CTH, “Eventually, someone is going to tap Jill Biden on the shoulder and say ‘that’s enough’.

16 Comments on Biden Puts the “B” into Bribery

  1. Since this is the top thread
    I will take advantage and post a help search
    Saw a funny video
    How do I link to it?
    I do not know the address
    I can describe it to you
    It was funny
    It had music
    Even referenced turtles

    I think it was Mitch McConnell standing there

    Any Ideas?

  2. ^^^ mitch mcconnell
    it just goes to show, that the old adage: ‘It takes one to know one’ isn”t always true.
    no one says anything publicly about feinstein, so maybe they just can’t tell.
    but I can see it, and I bet a lot of other people can too.

  3. The FBI has documents? Well that certainly makes me feel better because I know they will do the right thing and work for Truth, Justice, and the American way.

    And Merrick Garland will put his most attack dog prosecutors on the case.

  4. At Anonymous at 6:58 PM

    Not that one.
    That one is kind of funny too, for other reasons.

    The one I saw had real american Senators talking to the media. I think one was named Grassly. Anyway, the one I am searching for if I knew how to find it had Mitch McConnel just standing there with deep deep thoughts. There was also background music playing and it was also quiet however the lyrics seemed very current. That is the one I would like help finding and addressing with a link or even just finding out for oneself so that oneself can know what is it all about search.

    But Thank You for that other funny for another reason now a days too anon.

  5. The FBI has had damning evidence on the Biden Crime family for over a decade. Nothing has seen the light of day, no grand Juries, no indictments and no prosecution.
    Biden’s dementia will provide the defense attorney’s evidence that he is not competent to stand trial, IF it ever gets to that point.
    More distraction, nothing to see here.


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