Biden References Another Former Segregationist While Campaigning – IOTW Report

Biden References Another Former Segregationist While Campaigning


Joe Biden referenced another former segregationist, the late-Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-SC), while campaigning in South Carolina on Friday.

The former vice president made the comments at Rep. Jim Clyburn’s (D-SC) annual fish fry while touting the need for all the Democrat candidates to unite and focus on defeating President Donald Trump.

“Whomever the Democratic nominee is,” Biden said, “we have to stay together and elect a Democratic president of the United States of America.”

“I tell you, I do miss Fritz being here,” he added after finishing his remarks, according to Vice News.

Hollings, who passed away earlier this year, served in the U.S. Senate from 1966 to 2006. Prior to joining Congress, he was governor of South Carolina from 1959 to 1963, an office he originally sought on the basis of his opposition to the Brown v. Board of Educationdecision, which struck down segregation in public schools. Hollings kept that stance for the early portion of his term, but eventually changed course and supported integration. It has been noted, though, that full desegregation of South Carolina’s public schools did not occur until after he left the governorship.

In the Senate, Hollings cut a moderate to liberal profile by championing a national hunger policy and working to reign in the deficit. During his tenure, Hollings’ views on race appeared to grow and develop ,as exhibited by his endorsement of Jesse Jackson in the 1988 presidential race.

The issue, however, was still complicated at the time. In 1993, Hollings stirred controversy by saying African diplomats only attended international conferences to “get a good square meal” rather than “eating each other. read more

1 Comment on Biden References Another Former Segregationist While Campaigning

  1. African diplomats only attended international conferences to “get a good square meal” rather than “eating each other.”

    That’s funny right there…


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