Biden Refuses to Denounce Antifa – IOTW Report

Biden Refuses to Denounce Antifa

Joke Biden laughed.

10 Comments on Biden Refuses to Denounce Antifa

  1. gin blossom
    SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AT 7:11 AM
    “Joe was cranky as hell. I suspect it was because he wasn’t allowed the breaks his team requested and loaded diapers are really uncomfortable.”

    …IDK, I would think being full of shit would be pretty much Joe’s natural state…

  2. That “Joker Grin” of Joe’s was getting nauseating. There is nothing “funny” about his family corruption, Obama’s spying, Hillary’s Russian collusion, fake AGW Green Policy and Joe Biden’s BS lies!

  3. Too many of his supporters lean toward Antifa thinking for him to alienate them by denouncing it, it’s not so much that he approves of them as his supporters reflect similar general beliefs and he doesn’t want to alienate them. As he pointed out, in their view Antifa is a concept and an idea, not an organization.

    Overall, a good move on his part and one that may gain him some support but will not cost him any if it doesn’t.

  4. It was two on one of course but PDJT held his own. Every time Pedo got in a jam Crissypants was there to bail him out.

    PDJT needs to keep hitting Pedo with the hard questions the moderators will not ask because he knows Pedo cant answer without alienating his base or implicating his son.

    Pedo won the perception battle by not drooling but it was a very low bar and he did look both old and tired.

    I thought the President could have been sharper and really missed an opportunity to hit Pedo about his basement when Pedo used his “golf course” analogy but it was overall a decent performance given the stacked deck. I think it was at worst a draw or at best PDJT with a small win.

  5. It was a complete shit show, but it didn’t change many voters’ opinions. Trump haters got what they wanted, which is confirmation that he’s not Presidential; and Trump supporters got what they wanted, which is confirmation that he won’t back down from a fight. Hopefully, it will enflame his opposition and cause them to keep up their rioting and looting. I just wish President Trump had put Dementia Joe down for ten.


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