Biden Regime Shows Signs They’re Ready To Cut Bait On Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

Biden Regime Shows Signs They’re Ready To Cut Bait On Kamala Harris

UK Daily Mail

Joe Biden’s relationship with Kamala Harris is in crisis, with her staff furious that she is being ‘sidelined,’ while the president’s team are increasingly frustrated by how she is playing with American public.

Harris’ approval rating has plunged even further than Biden’s in recent months, with rumors swirling that the president is considering appointing her to the Supreme Court as a backdoor method of selecting a new VP.

She and her top aides are meanwhile frustrated with Biden for handing her ‘no-win’ issues like the border crisis, White House insiders told CNN. More

27 Comments on Biden Regime Shows Signs They’re Ready To Cut Bait On Kamala Harris

  1. “Cut Bait”?
    That reminds me of fishing on the beach in the summer using squid that has been sitting out in the sun all afternoon.
    They realize that come 2022 the dems will lose both the house and senate and impeachment will definitely be on the table. They know both slo joe AND the ho can be impeached at the same time regarding the illegal election so they need someone new in the second slot.

  2. “Biden’s team are disappointed with media performance”. Disappointed with HER performance?!?!? WTF. This from a group whose boss has to have a cheat sheet and script to call on the appropriate journowhores.

    What do you suppose her team’s opinion of her boss is?

    Neither of them matter. The entire world knows neither of them are making decisions they aren’t told to make.

    Kabuki theatre at its worst.

  3. Bullshit. If I were his VP I’d resign so as not to be associated with this clown show. No one in their right mind wants to be associated with him. And she wants a more active role in this administration? Not buying the story

  4. In Kamalaka Ding Dong’s defense, in most administrations, the VP is pretty much responsible for nothing. How were they to know that Dr. Biden would actually give her something to do? Against her though, she hasn’t done anything on anything that was given her.
    One of the sad things is that we, the taxpayer, had to shell out for an image consultant for her who also hasn’t done anything. OK, fine, we, the taxpayer are shelling out trillions for an entire administration (and most in congress) who aren’t doing anything

  5. RF, I second your motion. The VP slot is not where things get done. It’s not even where the backup-plan sits. It is where you relegate a politically expedient person. She was his stated demographic expedient.

    If she had any self-respect she would resign. But she is a pol so no joy there.

  6. This is just more crap from the Faily Mail. It doesn’t even rise to the level of Fake News. Not even Stray Voltage. Maybe Stray Static Electricity generated by Kamala’s thighs in her polyester pantsuit.

  7. How is the border an issue or even a crisis for the democrats? It’s a win for them and Kamala should be on a victory lap over it. They promised voters open borders and they got their open borders. But NO she had to open her yap and say “root causes,” and “don’t come” to derail all the progress, creating an issue and crisis of her own making. What she needs to do now is encourage people to come and fire everyone in border patrol to show her voters the country is open to the world like democrats promised.. then finally take the well deserved victory lap.

    Of course this is nothing that I want. But I do want democrats to follow through on what they campaigned on instead of sitting on the fence. Turn this country into a third world hellhole in a matter of a couple years and maybe voters will see nonsense they voted for, change their ways, and we can get back to business of being America sooner instead of this slow grind to hell.

  8. It’s time to 25th Biden and put Harris in. The nation will survive. The party that put our two worst presidents into power with a single fraudulent election will not.

  9. “…the president is considering appointing her to the Supreme Court as a backdoor method of selecting a new VP.”

    Well, last time I looked, there wasn’t an opening on SC, so there’s that. And can you imagine that cackling imbecile on SCOTUS?

  10. ‘They’re consistently sending her out there on losing issues in the wrong situations for her skill set,’ a former high-level Harris aide told CNN.

    Now THAT was unintentionally funny as hell.

  11. The PEDOPHILE & EXALTED CYCLOPS WHITE SUPREMACIST F JOE BIDEN never did like blacks especially if they were half-black and married to a white guy, such as seen with the swollen Harris woman.

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