Biden Reminds the Nation of the “Insurrection” that Happened on July 6th – IOTW Report

Biden Reminds the Nation of the “Insurrection” that Happened on July 6th

Red State

Nothing really surprises me anymore when it comes to Biden, but this is basic stuff. If one is going to cynically try to prop up the idea of an “insurrection” in order to attack their political opponents, they should at least get the date right. This wasn’t an off-the-cuff mistake walking out to Air Force One. This was a prepared speech with a teleprompter, which reinforces the idea that Biden is totally the real-life Ron Burgundy. He’s just blindly reading, and sometimes, he can’t even do that properly. Gaffs

9 Comments on Biden Reminds the Nation of the “Insurrection” that Happened on July 6th

  1. But seriously, when does the real insurrection begin? We’re just gonna roll over and take all of this with no resistance at all? The land of the free come at the home of the brave and all that?Incredible..

  2. The human trafficking Joe Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klownie Klain is behind much of the white-trash white privilege democrat garbage floating around. Keep in mind also that Klownie Klain is also pro-kkk, same as Biden’s being an associate of the vile race group.

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