Biden Rushing Even More Troops To Kabul As Fall Imminent – IOTW Report

Biden Rushing Even More Troops To Kabul As Fall Imminent


In July, Biden said Kabul would never fall.  Four days ago Biden said it would take more than 90 days for Taliban to reach Kabul, if at all.  Today, Biden sends 1,000 more additional troops to Kabul as it is expected to fall within 72 hrs.   That is correct.  By Monday the Taliban could control all of Afghanistan. More

33 Comments on Biden Rushing Even More Troops To Kabul As Fall Imminent

  1. Only continues to prove that he and his ilk know nothing about world affairs and leadership and everything about politics and subversive manipulation.

    Do we Miss Trump? Hell we miss W.

  2. I hope China will take over the ‘nation building’ there.

    It might be a really good thing for China to get in line with other nations that have failed ‘civilize’ the country, especially since they have experience trying to eradicate the Islamists.

  3. This is not good. Expect a big American death toll. The Taliban are killing anything that even looks like a Christian. I wonder if this is what John Kerry negotiated for?

  4. @Brad – “…I wonder if this is what John Kerry negotiated for?…”

    Please be more specific as to which John Kerry. Is it

    a) John Effing Kerry,
    b) John F. U. Kerry,
    c) John Fraud Kerry, or
    d) All of the above?

  5. They control the cojuntry in short order? The US couldn’t do it in 20 years, that is unless they milked it for all the dollars they could steal and to control the poppy fields.

  6. WSJ just reported the Taliban taking Kabul with the Afghan president fleeing the country. The Afghan military offered no resistance. I thought we had until Monday?

  7. stirrin the pot

    All of the above. Instagram is packed full of messages from people that have been evacuated and they are not painting a pretty picture. If the Taliban stops you and you have any western contacts in your phone they immediately execute that person on the spot. Now we have 3,000 woke troops converging on an enemy that is digging in and has the latest in weaponry which we supplied to them. Nobodies that incompetent. If Biden had one Patriotic little blood cell in his body he’d step down and get Trump and Pompeo back in there. Like yesterday.

  8. Anonymous August 15, 2021 at 2:22 pm

    You’re a CNN indoctrinated idiot incapable of your own thought process. Replace the word “REPUBLICAN” with “Globalist” and you’ll be half right.
    Trump would not have left innocents stranded. Trump would not have supplied them with arm so they can shoot at us. You don’t get it.

  9. @Anonymous August 15, 2021 at 2:42 pm

    Of course they knew we were pulling out. BUT, there were conditions – yeah, those pesky facts that you libtards hate to acknowledge. If you (the Taliban) so much as give a hint of aggressive behavior, we will be back to clean your clocks, and eradicate you from the face of the earth. Comprende? Capice? Understand? You Allah Fuckbar plagues upon the earth.

  10. Obama warned us about Biden.

    “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

    However, this particular “fuck up” is part of the CCP checklist for the 2020 election outcome.

    Check it off, Xi.

  11. So if Trump is somehow at fault here, how come blustering, bragging Jackass Joe (Here I come to save the day!) didn’t do something about it the first day of his administration just like he did with the Pipe Line and the Border Hmmmmmmmm????

  12. Anonymous August 15, 2021 at 2:42 pm
    Anonymous August 15, 2021 at 2:54 pm
    Anonymous August 15, 2021 at 2:59 pm
    Anonymous August 15, 2021 at 3:00 pm

    Are you all the same person? Are you all different? Are some of you the same, and some different?

    That’s why I don’t like interacting with – give a TU to – an Anonymous. You have no distinctive moniker to identify your individual comment. Step out of your comfort zone and claim an individual identity.

  13. ^^^^^^
    Hence my favorite headline at Breitbart.

    “Woke US Generals Defeated”

    Yes, they were. Maybe they should get back to their duties. Milly needs to be court-martialed.


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